Elscire (elscire)
!yorkshirebronies Any plans yet for the next meet? =3
@klayking I just ended up with it somehow, and then pinned it on my jacket for lack of anything better to do with it! Noticed it still there this morning and so yeah =)
!yorkshirebronies Awesome meet was awesome! Also, I've ended up with somepony's Yorkshire Bronies badge - if it's yours you can get it back at the next one ^^
!yorkshirebronies Is the Thought Bubble meet going to be happening? =)
Saturday, 10-Nov-12 16:32:16 UTC from web -
!yorkshirebronies Any plans for another meet? =)
!yorkshirebronies @yorkiebrony Well, whether that is to do with your writing specifically or their community guidelines, I really couldn't say because I don't really post on UKoE myself either. As always, you shouldn't take it personally though knowing you, you will struggle not to. Meets are usually shown here too, and hopefully I'll see you soon at one of them =)
@purplephish20 well, I can hope! Btw, you're still staying over next Friday right? Where would be good to meet you?
!yorkshirebronies I just ordered two new shirts, hoping they come in time for BUCK!
@purplephish20 Well yes it was, but I understood that you were having issues - fortunately all now resolved! ^^
@purplephish20 I take it you're going to be coming to BUCK in my car then? =)
!yorkshirebronies It's going to be amazing! =3
Tuesday, 24-Jul-12 20:56:09 UTC from web -
!yorkshirebronies @anthonyrothstein Indeed - I wouldn't bother with Prometheus. Indeed, I did bother and rather considered it a waste of time. Perhaps I'm being too harsh, but I expected a lot more. Story was perfectly fine, but the execution of that story was ridiculous. My brother liked it though, so your mileage may vary.
@purplephish20 just so you know, the 20th of August is NOT a bank holiday. The bank holiday is the Monday after! I worked this one out when booking my own time off today =3
Wednesday, 20-Jun-12 19:55:42 UTC from web -
@purplephish20 my skype is 'elscire' - strangely enough =)
@purplephish20 @klayking @trister @wychwood - Hi purplephish- in reponse to your request regarding BUCK, the notion is this - we are attending for both days of the event, and several of us will be staying at a hotel reasonably close to the venue wherein we will be occupying eight rooms which adjoin onto a common lounge. In this particular living arrangement we have one spare space, which you can avail yourself of for the less-than-princely sum of £60 for two nights, organised by trister with cash going to him. Trister himself is driving a full car of bronies down from Middlesbrough, whilst I myself am repeating the arrangement from Leeds - I'm already taking Will and Robb, and have a spare space in my car which I would like to fill. We'll be leaving early on Saturday morning and returning on Monday, splitting the costs of petrol and parking which should turn out reasonably. You're welcome to stay at my place on the Friday night. You know you want to go, all that remains is to say yes.
Monday, 18-Jun-12 02:29:45 UTC from web -
@purplephish20 let me know about BUCK when you can please!
Sunday, 17-Jun-12 02:10:32 UTC from web -
@yorkiebrony sorry you didn't know about it (and couldn't have made it anyway) - hopefully we'll see you at some meet in the future!
!yorkshirebronies Hay Everypony! Is anyone looking for a ride over to BUCK and back from Leeds? I'm currently taking two other Leeds bronies (Will and Robb) and am looking for a third to make my life complete~ We're also organising (cheap!) joint accommodation for the two nights of the con in conjunction with Trister et. al. who are coming down from Middlesbrough - A venture in which you are more than welcome to join
Saturday, 02-Jun-12 11:44:52 UTC from web -
@purplephish20 Cheaper-than-usual tickets are still on sale until midnight I think, if you decide fast! XD
!yorkshirebronies @wychwood I'd added you already! (you're on do-not-disturb though ^^) At the moment I'm just looking into feasibility of parking and such - looks pretty good but I'd like to take a full car if possible (i.e. four ponies including myself) to ensure it works out as cheaply as possible.
!yorkshirebronies Just ordered my BUCK tickets (on the last day of the early-pegasus discount, good timing!) @wychwood if you are still looking for a ride from Leeds to Manechester - I'm thinking about driving if there are enough of us to fill a car, otherwise I'll be going by train =)
Sunday, 27-May-12 20:03:52 UTC from web -
@wychwood !yorkshirebronies Indeed, and I'm sure we can find some reasonable ways to economise such as sharing hotel rooms (which will be fun anyway!) I could also drive and take people if there were anyplace to park =P
!yorkshirebronies @wychwood Well, I heard about BUCK and would certainly like to attend, though the price of tickets seems pretty steep for what it is! Nevertheless, can we really NOT go? =P
Sunday, 29-Apr-12 14:04:03 UTC from web -
@carkantos So, coming to the next (bigger) one? =p
Saturday, 28-Apr-12 19:29:26 UTC from web -
!yorkshirebronies @sparkstorm that's not going to make a good letter to Celestia!
!yorkshirebronies @purplephish20 It was a bit touch-and-go for a while there but I think I should be able to make the meet on Saturday, yay! =)
@purplephish20 I'm entirely up for that, It'll be fun! Got any detail on the furry meet?
!yorkshirebronies @klayking bumping into that other meet would be pretty amusing lol, furries versus bronies, fight! Though actually, there might be enough crossover in the demographic that we'd get along =P
@klayking the email address for contact has now changed to xiagu, so perhaps it's worth giving him a shout?
Sunday, 15-Apr-12 20:35:24 UTC from web -
@marshmallowshy !yorkshirebronies glad you made it! And I'm glad too that I happened to be wearing my dashie t-shirt today, otherwise this would never have happended =P Meets are currently in the planning stage and next one on the 28th may be smaller than the previous big meet, but watch this space =3
Sunday, 15-Apr-12 20:28:39 UTC from web