Group actions
http://www.buckcon.orgWelcome to the BUCK RDN Group!
BUCK 2013 may be over, but the party never ends! Check our website for photos, highlights of the biggest European brony convention this year, and what comes next!
BUCK (buck2013) group
!buck2013 Check out our Hot Minute with AcousticBrony!
Monday, 24-Jun-13 09:59:55 UTC from web -
!buck2013 BUCK Exclusive music album for the Summer Sun Celebration- here's the FIRST sneak preview of Party at Sundown!
Friday, 14-Jun-13 23:49:10 UTC from web -
!buck2013 Just a quick reminder to anyone back-reading on this group, remember that the majority of it is from LAST YEAR, so check the date!
Friday, 14-Jun-13 10:29:34 UTC from web -
!buck2013 So for those not yet in the know, BUCK is one of the biggest euro brony conventions going down this year- it's happening at Manchester UK, in August. We've got JOHN DE LANCIE coming, along with CINDY MORROW, internet panel appearances from Meghan McCarthy, and a vast number of community guests including the Living Tombstone, Glaze, Galaxy Art, Draw Ponies, Knighty of FIMFiction, and many many more!
Thursday, 13-Jun-13 11:48:43 UTC from web -
!buck2013 Hello everyone! It's been a while since we've been here- but we've just updated our group info and logo with this year's BUCK media, and we'll be posting our news here as well!
Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 10:58:32 UTC from web -
!puk !bronyukcon !yorkshire Countdown to BUCK 2013!
Monday, 27-Aug-12 12:41:46 UTC from web-
@redenchilada Sigh~ lol it took like a second to make that site! And I'll play the video games later!
@anthonyrothstein You know what site you COULD be staring at instead?
@redenchilada that site is beautiful!
!bronyukcon mfw John DeLancie is no longer attending
Monday, 16-Jul-12 17:01:45 UTC from web-
@ecmc And of course it happens the day after I finally decide to buy my ticket.
!bronyukcon !uk Welp. My wallet just took a beating but I am now confirmed for BUCK!
Sunday, 15-Jul-12 23:50:13 UTC from web- Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark likes this.
@woona :DDDDDDD
@woona finding place? you mean accomodation... we're dealing with it
@purplephish20 I pretty much just need a waist coat of a particular colour and I'm good to go.
!bronyukcon !broniesuk I've been working pretty hard tonight! Made a travel guide for BUCK!
Thursday, 05-Jul-12 23:59:10 UTC from web