!yorkshirebronies @yorkiebrony Well, whether that is to do with your writing specifically or their community guidelines, I really couldn't say because I don't really post on UKoE myself either. As always, you shouldn't take it personally though knowing you, you will struggle not to. Meets are usually shown here too, and hopefully I'll see you soon at one of them =)
Saturday, 11-Aug-12 21:29:17 UTC from web-
@elscire In my humble opinion it's a combi of both my style and their forum rules. I carry my heart on my tongue, and because UKoE wants to be PG-13, I did adjust my style accordingly, but apparently not enough; to take into account any kind of interpretation people might get of my words is a mission impossible for me. So, instead of risking a ban I chose to pull the plug myself. Perhaps I do take it personal, although knowing it isn't. When I signed up there I obviously accepted the forum rules. Based on my experiences with other forums I didn't expect any issues. However, issues arose. I tried to figure out where the rules set the limits, but imho I didn't get a clear answer. I cannot follow guidelines when these are not clearly specified. Thus, I cannot accept their forum rules, meaning I shouldn't post there. That's all, and no hard feelings towards UKoE. I know meets are shown here to. Whether I have the will to attend.... enthusiasm is a bit dented at the moment... :-(
Sunday, 12-Aug-12 01:38:58 UTC from web