asdsaf (sdfsdf)
Got my maths exam today. After this, just two more to go!
Wednesday, 20-Jun-12 09:16:50 UTC from web -
@rainbowdash1997 Just got online, I was studying.
@rainbowdash1997 Haha, you too. Night.
@rainbowdash1997 Oh, sorry, I'm studying for my exams so I didn't check. And no, I don't really know much Luxembourgish. I speak fluent English and quite a bit of French.
@rainbowdash1997 Ahahahaha, NICE! xD
@rainbowdash1997 Haha, Luxembourgish people don't really like people from other countries, do they?
@rainbowdash1997 I'm from Lithuania! Heard of it?
@rainbowdash1997 Oh, I'm not Luxembourgish. I moved here 8 years ago, though. :P
Sunday, 17-Jun-12 18:59:09 UTC from web -
@rainbowdash1997 Haha, right.
@rainbowdash1997 I'll make sure to remember!
@rainbowdash1997 Sure. I'll add you when I get on, though. Dunno when that'll be.
@rainbowdash1997 Yeah, but don't use it. Why?
@rainbowdash1997 Oh wow. xD
@rainbowdash1997 European. You?
@hakupony Ah, damn. Could still get something working one day, though.
@rainbowdash1997 Eeyup.
@mushi Haha, that can be annoying sometimes, but it's alright. There's also, which isn't automatic like the games.
@mushi I dunno, the YGO video games are pretty enjoyable in my opinion.
@rainbowdash1997 Eugh, god no.
@mushi Ouch, that must suck! D:
@rainbowdash1997 She's pretty damn awesome. B)
@mushi I have two friends to play with, so it's alright.
@hakupony Screw the city, there's pleeeenty of other places. D'you know anybody else who'd be willing to come?
@rainbowdash1997 Either Dash or Chrysalis, hard to decide.
@hakupony To Luxembourg, for example?
@rainbowdash1997 Most people do. :P
@hakupony Oh? Well, I'm only 16, so I'm unable to drive, but I go to Trier every month or two.
@mushi I spent all my money on YGO until last January, when I discovered Cardfight!! Vanguard. It's way more fun, in my opinion.
@rainbowdash1997 Nah, I spend too much money on card games like Yu-Gi-Oh and Cardfight!! Vanguard to afford any expensive shirts like that :P Do you?
@rainbowdash1997 That's dumb. It's normal to like whatever you want.