David E. McClendon Jr.'s home timeline


  1. !houstonbronies. Hooray Insomnia! I found a hilarious video tonight, remember that satelite that was supposed to land somewhere, that NASA didn't know where it landed...or didn't tell anyone? Well... - http://wimp.com/nasasatellite/

    Wednesday, 26-Oct-11 07:15:45 UTC from web
    • !houstonbronies Ugh...today was just the slowest day so far....I swear, the closer thursday gets, the slower time ticks by. Only 3 days left til I leave for Oni Con. I need something to do! *stares at unfinished Roseluck custom* I'm bad at customizing....Paint has been done for a long time, the cutie mark however, well I gave up on the cutie mark. She's a blank flank. Rehairing will take some time. Especially for the mane.

      Monday, 24-Oct-11 20:57:31 UTC from web
    • !houstonbronies Now that I think about it, I could make one, a shadowbolt design would be nice.

      Sunday, 23-Oct-11 00:17:32 UTC from web
      • !houstonbronies Anyone know if there are any pony hoodies sold in stores? I'd buy one online but it wouldn't arrive until after Oni Con.

        Sunday, 23-Oct-11 00:01:58 UTC from web
        • !houstonbronies 5 days left to go. I just got all my mechanical stuff for the car done. All there's left to do is get a new hoodie and pack. Oh and rewrite my address list...can't find my original. I'll be leaving thursday right after work. So for everyone here attending, I hope to see ya'll there

          Saturday, 22-Oct-11 21:49:14 UTC from web
          • !houstonbronies I can't afford to go. all my spare money will be spent at oni con next weekend. That's gonna set me back at least $1000 with hotel and everything.

            Friday, 21-Oct-11 23:26:48 UTC from web
            • !houstonbronies ren fest wouldnt work for me, sorry, i already plan on attending with friends coming home from college for thanksgiving break, and i cant see going twice

              Friday, 21-Oct-11 20:57:51 UTC from web
              • !houstonbronies made us a facebook page cause i was bored http://www.facebook.com/groups/279686455387401/

                Friday, 21-Oct-11 05:42:04 UTC from web
                • !houstonbronies ren fest meet up any pony

                  Friday, 21-Oct-11 05:31:09 UTC from web
                  • !houstonbronies We need to plan one, any suggestions anyone?

                    Friday, 21-Oct-11 05:14:37 UTC from web
                    • !houstonbronies wow sorry i aint been on in a while guys, i got wrapped up in schoolwork and have been forgetting to check this. so whats going on? any new meetups planned?

                      Thursday, 20-Oct-11 04:06:30 UTC from web
                      • !houstonbronies Hey everypony if my friend get's the most views out of this group, he get's a 3,000 scholarship so please watch the video, and help him get through school <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8Y21K7iiSM&list=FLSfIX-AXPmdXbHkTJH-I2RQ&index=1

                        Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 01:35:54 UTC from web
                      • !houstonbronies another step closer to finish preping for oni-con. I just got a new duffle bag for the weekend. I just have some minor car maintenence to finish & Im all set. New, wiper blades, tune up, state inspection, and car wash and I'm golden. Got enough money to cover just about everything. 10 days to go! Clock is ticking Johnny! Clock...IS....TICKING!

                        Monday, 17-Oct-11 00:00:27 UTC from web
                        • !houstonbronies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOR537ZSu54&list=FLSfIX-AXPmdXbHkTJH-I2RQ&index=1

                          Sunday, 16-Oct-11 23:10:06 UTC from web
                          • !houstonbronies Better edited episode 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX6-2y09J6s&feature=feedf - previous posted episode has been removed.

                            Sunday, 16-Oct-11 02:51:57 UTC from web
                          • !houstonbronies Forget Discord, OCD Twilight should be the new spirit of disharmony!

                            Sunday, 16-Oct-11 00:48:00 UTC from web
                            • !houstonbronies Manic Twilight screams new avatar. As awesome as Were-Lyra was, Chesire Twilight's smile & twitchy ear is just epic. I may go back and resize that to include her left ear. Also, I love how that bird is frozen with fear :3

                              Sunday, 16-Oct-11 00:42:11 UTC from web
                              • !houstonbronies KUNG FU FLUTTERSHY, YOU CAN'T HANDLE THIS.

                                Saturday, 15-Oct-11 19:28:07 UTC from web
                                • !houstonbronies Also - Sign of the Prancing Pony! http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yEAC-JVixQc/Tpk_WPOwiBI/AAAAAAAAABE/UBOSSf_k-m0/s1600/Brandons%2BPics%2B%25281%2529.JPG 100 Brony points if you know what it's refering to. Please put your guesses on the screen now. :P

                                  Saturday, 15-Oct-11 12:02:24 UTC from web
                                  • !houstonbronies http://lentoto.deviantart.com/art/Flash-MLP-Music-is-Magic-263314402

                                    Saturday, 15-Oct-11 11:58:51 UTC from web
                                  • !houstonbronies Ok I got a good video for a Love & Tolerate test for everyone. This was posted in this mornings Nightly Roundup post on Equestria Daily - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgFWtK2AoPk&lc=6qDPeD3L67R3CEXTIHJcXUXLEr83JyXSyZlsneZnyEU&feature=inbox - I got a great laugh out of this today and learned that we're not supposed to draw a hexagram on the floor with the mane six's cutie marks, get a sacrificial bowl of cotton candy and tray of cupcakes, and chant Giggle at the Ghostly trying to summon a talking pony to teach me about friendship. Who knew? I think Celestia would be proud of this lesson. Don't you? ^_^

                                    Friday, 14-Oct-11 00:13:38 UTC from web
                                    • !houstonbronies ren fair meet up any pony

                                      Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 06:12:01 UTC from web
                                      • !houstonbronies You can go there also, Well that is if you like banana's.

                                        Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 03:08:17 UTC from web
                                        • !houstonbronies Full Luna moon tonight. Check it out if it's not overcast in your area.

                                          Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 01:30:47 UTC from web
                                          • !houstonbronies meet up over halloween I shall go where will it be at

                                            Tuesday, 11-Oct-11 02:45:56 UTC from web
                                            • !houstonbronies How about the 29th(since it's a saturday)

                                              Monday, 10-Oct-11 23:54:55 UTC from web
                                              • !houstonbronies alright we have 2people so far that would go to a halloween meetup, any more?

                                                Sunday, 09-Oct-11 21:44:04 UTC from web
                                              • !houstonbronies Today I die my hair, I let ponychan deciede the color. It will either be rainbow or purple. Any suggestions?

                                                Monday, 10-Oct-11 20:11:30 UTC from web
                                              • !houstonbronies Houston has ghost tours in the historical district. Kemah & Galveston does as well. I'm planning to attend the one in Galveston while I'm there. You may want to look into something like that.

                                                Monday, 10-Oct-11 12:50:00 UTC from web
                                                • !houstonbronies yeah on halloween. prob we could go to a scary house or something lol. or we could go trick or treating.

                                                  Monday, 10-Oct-11 00:41:09 UTC from web