David E. McClendon Jr.'s home timeline


  1. !houstonbronies i would be interested in it, as long as it's on the weekend.

    Sunday, 09-Oct-11 21:47:14 UTC from web
    • !houstonbronies Finally! A werewolf pony pic ^_^ no more snow wolf avatar.

      Saturday, 08-Oct-11 00:18:41 UTC from web
      • !houstonbronies Would anyone like to go to a meetup over halloween? IDK where it would be at but if anyone has any suggestions feel free to say it over houstonbronies.

        Friday, 07-Oct-11 02:22:24 UTC from web
      • !houstonbronies If anyone likes house music check this out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0Sf_vDoXwQ

        Thursday, 06-Oct-11 23:51:51 UTC from web
      • !houstonbronies I found this parody a while ago and I believe this should be ponified! For anyone who hasn't seen it, it's based on "going to the store". You'll have to watch it to understand. now onto the parody! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTzpZeBac6g&feature=channel_video_title

        Thursday, 06-Oct-11 22:17:11 UTC from web
        • !houstonbronies I heard Fluttershy and got instantly interested.

          Thursday, 06-Oct-11 19:09:56 UTC from web
        • !houstonbronies Checking the update on Equestria Daily this morning, I found this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALtpxsgRCcQ - It's a tutorial on making pegasi wings & ears for cosplay. And guess who the model for this one is? Fluttershy! For all of you cosplayers out there who wanted to make a costume, this one's for you.

          Thursday, 06-Oct-11 11:32:21 UTC from web
          • !houstonbronies This is the status of a 12year old girl I know, Idon'twanttoliveonthisplanetanymore

            Thursday, 06-Oct-11 02:39:01 UTC from web
            • !houstonbronies gurl stops meking out n asks boi to get potartz. he dus. den gurl teks deep breff. den gurl sais "bf i am pregnent will u stay ma bf" n he seys "no". gurl iz hertbrokn. <////3 gurl cried n runz awaii from boi wiffout eatin poptart n she has low blood suga so she fols. boi runs ova 2 her. she ded </333333333 boi crie "i sed i no b ur bf...cuz i wona b ur husband!" he screems n frows poptart @ wol....a bootiful diomand ring wus insyd. TUMBS UP IF U CRY EVERTIM

              Thursday, 06-Oct-11 02:36:50 UTC from web
              • !houstonbronies Watch this video - http://whoknew.news.yahoo.com/who-knew/most-common-birthday-26813075.html#crsl=%252Fwho-knew%252cherriesple-varieties-26825413.html - You know what that means? ^_^ Eeyup! October is Applejack month!

                Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 19:06:20 UTC from web
                • !houstonbronies I won't be able to make it down to Oni-Con, but if we are ever able to set up something for the Galleria area, I'm down for arranging things. That's my part of town.

                  Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 05:24:23 UTC from web
                  • !houstonbronies Here are some pictures of the convention center and the surrounding area. http://www.oni-con.com/main#!__main/location

                    Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 00:14:45 UTC from web
                    • !houstonbronies For those that can make it to galveston, ya'll could spend the day at the convention hall. Friday or Saturday. Saturday will be the busiest day at the convention as its when most people show up, the down side, traffic. The address to the Galveston Island Convetion Center is 5600 Seawall Boulevard. I'm thinking we could meet out front of that convention center. I'm hoping the space will be like the George R Brown convention center, if so we can pick a spot inside to meet up. I haven't been there yet, I'm hoping to have a day to myself to go down & scout the area.

                      Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 00:03:32 UTC from web
                      • !houstonbronies Whoa! Did I miss a meetup or there's one coming up?

                        Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:15:43 UTC from web
                        • !houstonbronies I love it!

                          Monday, 03-Oct-11 22:11:37 UTC from web
                          • !houstonbronies Just got back from work, checking my list of websites for updates. I just checked youtube and found that Kyrospawn's DA has updated the pony soundboard. Here's the link for that - http://kyrospawn.deviantart.com/art/MLP-FIM-Soundboard-V6-0-244757196. Golyadkin, there are other houston meetups being planned. One is being planned for Oni-con in Galveston. If any one else plans to go, and have any ideas to contribute to making a meet up, post away on my board.

                            Monday, 03-Oct-11 22:07:08 UTC from web
                            • !houstonbronies Really? I finally find you guys and it's two days AFTER a meetup. :'( I'll have to pay attention for the next one.

                              Monday, 03-Oct-11 14:36:20 UTC from web
                              • !houstonbronies whats up guys

                                Monday, 03-Oct-11 04:31:23 UTC from web
                                • !houstonbronies the link doesn't go directly to the right board so click cosplay then find the my little pony topic on page 2 & there you go.

                                  Monday, 03-Oct-11 00:27:35 UTC from web
                                  • !houstonbronies I'll be heading up there thursday, october 27 to check in so I can be first in line to scout out the area and get my con badge and stuff. Hopefully my hotel room will have internet access so I can post news and updates throughout the weekend. Here's a link to the cosplay topic in the onicon forum. there will be some pony cosplayers attending, sadly I won't be one of them, I may dress as black beard...or red beard since its more red in color, if I decide to cosplay at all. anyways, heres that link - http://www.oni-con.com/main#!__main/forums

                                    Monday, 03-Oct-11 00:23:24 UTC from web
                                  • !Houstonbronies The main Oni-con website for those who haven't checked it out is - http://www.oni-con.com/main#!__main - Early registration price for the con badge ended october 1st, so for those who would still like to go, the registration tab at the top will help you set that up, but at the full price. You can buy a day pass or a weekend pass depending on how long you plan to stay. There may still be some room in the 3 hotels withing walking distance. Mention the Oni-con rate and you can get a discount for Friday & Saturday nights. Hotel tab is left of registration tab. There's still plenty of time to plan, we've still got the rest of october to go through. I've got my hotel and itinerarie planned out. Feel free to ask me any questions if you have any troub;e or would like to meet me there. The site has not yet uploaded a day to day time table of activities yet, but if and when they do, I'll post the link to that here.

                                    Monday, 03-Oct-11 00:14:25 UTC from web
                                    • !houstonbronies Well you just missed a meetup lol

                                      Sunday, 02-Oct-11 06:40:52 UTC from web
                                      • !houstonbronies my brony friend lives in spring!

                                        Sunday, 02-Oct-11 04:06:32 UTC from web
                                      • !houstonbronies There was a meetup? I wouldn't have been able to make it regardless but I sort of wish I'd known. If anybody wants to have a meetup in The Woodlands or in Spring (not that there's much to do in either), I'd be up for that.

                                        Sunday, 02-Oct-11 03:53:47 UTC from web
                                        • !houstonbronies anypony going to Oni Con at the end of this month? If so message me and set up with the meet up! Also this is my first meet up so ill need some help from somepony.

                                          Sunday, 02-Oct-11 00:35:46 UTC from web
                                          • !houstonbronies I am going to be there a little early, so until around 3:30pm I am going to be looking around the mall, if you plan to get there early give me a call and we can hang out prior to the meetup

                                            Saturday, 01-Oct-11 18:56:05 UTC from web
                                            • !houstonbronies Reminder if you haven't RSVP'd call me at 713 878 3691

                                              Friday, 30-Sep-11 23:47:21 UTC from web
                                            • !houstonbronies Movie-wise, I vote for The Lion King. Its been forever since I last saw it.

                                              Friday, 30-Sep-11 23:26:34 UTC from web
                                              • !houstonbronies I'd definitely be on board for the next meetup if there's more advance notice, at least 2 wks so I can request off. No onicon for me though -- no moneys :(

                                                Friday, 30-Sep-11 23:24:26 UTC from web
                                                • !houstonbronies I will check that out.

                                                  Friday, 30-Sep-11 22:56:50 UTC from web