David E. McClendon Jr.'s home timeline


  1. !houstonbronies Nice! That is quite a gathering. I want to know, is anyone here planning to attend Oni-Con in Galveston October 28-30th? We could have a meetup there along with other bronies who haven't discovered this site yet. I know from reading Oni-Con forums, there will be a few pony cosplayers attending.

    Friday, 30-Sep-11 22:50:01 UTC from web
  2. !houstonbronies I'll be wearing a blue and black striped hoodie with riped jeans, so look for that guy.

    Friday, 30-Sep-11 21:49:25 UTC from web
    • !houstonbronies ALSO WE HAVE LIKE 12-16PEOPLE COMING, WOW. Thanks for RSVPing. also the guy I just talked to had the the manliest voice ever, GIVE ME YOUR VOICE.

      Friday, 30-Sep-11 21:45:07 UTC from web
      • !houstonbronies Not to worry for those who can't go! if this one works out ill organize another one in around 2-3 weeks. Oh my god don't let me turn into pinkie pie LOL.

        Friday, 30-Sep-11 21:43:15 UTC from web
        • !houstonbronies I'd love to go, but this is the one weekend in the foreseeable future that I can't. )=

          Friday, 30-Sep-11 21:08:56 UTC from web
          • !houstonbronies Finally, a brony meetup in my area... AND I CAN'T GO DUE TO WORK. :(

            Friday, 30-Sep-11 20:12:51 UTC from web
            • !houstonbronies !generalzoi yeah at 4pm

              Friday, 30-Sep-11 17:35:52 UTC from web
              • !houstonbronies WE GOT MENTIONED ON EQUESTRIA DAILY OH MY GOSH-Rainbow Dash

                Friday, 30-Sep-11 17:35:24 UTC from web