Jacob Smith's home timeline


  1. !tulsabronies The 10th works for me but a where would definitely be useful

    Tuesday, 30-Aug-11 04:31:28 UTC from web
    • @sausagemahoney Dear sir or miss My name is Brooklyn Wright and I am Brony living in Tulsa. I was wondering if it was possible for the Group to have a meet-up In the near future. I noticed that the group has had little success with meet ups in the past, so I was hoping to we could try something out. I believe that we could try to get something organized over spring break since I think everyone has time off at the same time. I have not nailed down any solid time, date, or place; but I hope we can take care of that. If you have any questions about this idea please reply to this message or shoot me an email at Doctortardis2@yahoo.com. Thank you for your time, love and tolerance and all that. Brooklyn A. Wright

      Thursday, 23-Feb-12 19:12:23 UTC in context
  2. !tulsabronies So are there any ideas as to where this is going down?

    Monday, 29-Aug-11 22:18:09 UTC from web
    • So the !tulsabronies think the bg meet is doable? cool.

      Monday, 29-Aug-11 02:22:12 UTC from web
    • !tulsabronies by the way, any TSAS bronies?

      Saturday, 27-Aug-11 03:14:53 UTC from web
      • !tulsabronies Sept. 10th? I'll most likely be able to go; girlfriend is possibly going as well.

        Saturday, 27-Aug-11 01:07:06 UTC from web
        • !tulsabronies basically anywhere should be fine for me

          Friday, 26-Aug-11 23:38:28 UTC from web
          • !tulsabronies pwned by copypasta from sethisto. *Missouri

            Friday, 26-Aug-11 20:14:29 UTC from web
            • Alternately, !tulsabronies, how many of you can make it to the big "Kansas, Oklahoma, Missuri, Arkansas Brony Weekend"? If you guys want I can maybe swing getting my behind up to Fort Scott, if only for a day. I'll probably get lost at least once, though~

              Friday, 26-Aug-11 20:12:54 UTC from web
              • Hey all you !tulsabronies, I want to have a party- I mean- a meet-up to celebrate the nearness of Season 2! I would like to meet on Saturday the 10th of September, but I need a location! Joe Mamma's? Spaghetti Warehouse? Somewhere else? Suggestions wanted!

                Friday, 26-Aug-11 19:53:44 UTC from web
              • !tulsabronies hi, i'm about to start my freshman year at OU and i happened to notice that there are some members of this group that are from OU. So I was wondering if i could join your group... um... if that's okay with you

                Thursday, 18-Aug-11 05:44:06 UTC from web
              • !tulsabronies hey, ive just finished the first part of my digimon/MLP fanfic i talked about, and i could really use some editors

                Wednesday, 17-Aug-11 17:02:26 UTC from web
              • !tulsabronies Well, I dunno what we'll do next, but that meet-up was fun. I should probably find a T-Town event calendar or something, so I can find invadable events. XD

                Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 03:37:09 UTC from web
                • !tulsabronies well, as far as the panera part was concerned, it was pretty cool. toys r us.....i wouldnt know, i had something come up.

                  Monday, 15-Aug-11 18:00:54 UTC from web
                  • !tulsabronies So how was the meetup? I need details bronies! How else am I supposed to live vicariously through you?

                    Monday, 15-Aug-11 02:24:03 UTC from web
                  • !tulsabronies oh my God I'm such an idiot I forgot

                    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 17:00:10 UTC from web
                    • !tulsabronies I'm at the Panera~! I brought three ponies and my pony backpack~! Twi, AJ, and Fluttershy will be there on the table to guide your way~!

                      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 15:35:26 UTC from web
                    • !tulsabronies today is the day :)

                      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 13:40:43 UTC from web
                    • !tulsabronies if the weather acts nice, it should be

                      Thursday, 11-Aug-11 16:42:19 UTC from web
                      • !tulsabronies The meet up is still go for this Saturday, 11am, yes?

                        Thursday, 11-Aug-11 09:40:20 UTC from web
                        • !tulsabronies is the meetup still going on? I would really like to know when and where.

                          Thursday, 11-Aug-11 08:37:26 UTC from web
                          • !tulsabronies aaaand the finalized video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX-HCk6emBg

                            Tuesday, 09-Aug-11 10:11:26 UTC from web
                          • !tulsabronies New track for Rainbow Dash Road (Pony Kart!), now with real guitars! http://soundcloud.com/penguindf12/rainbow-dash-road-wip-2

                            Tuesday, 09-Aug-11 00:36:44 UTC from web
                          • !tulsabronies are we going to panara bread on Saturday? i hope so, that sounds good and i love toys'r'us

                            Monday, 08-Aug-11 23:04:29 UTC from web
                          • !tulsabronies I got one, maybe two, other people to come.

                            Monday, 08-Aug-11 01:08:14 UTC from web
                          • !tulsabronies Woohoo~ I'm glad to see so many will be able to come! Also, @penguindf12 I am now imagining your eyebrows leaping a mile and the two holes they would leave in the ceiling. (Silly typos making me delete things...)

                            Saturday, 06-Aug-11 01:11:53 UTC from web
                          • !tulsabronies Well, this is a disaster. We just encountered some pretty awful car trouble (sitting somewhere between $500 and $1000 to fix). Additionally, all of the car shops around here are either closed for the weekend or won't have the part we need until Monday. Sigh... it looks very unlikely that I'll be making to the meetup on the 13th. Sorry bronies, maybe I'll be able to make to the next one.

                            Saturday, 06-Aug-11 16:27:10 UTC from web
                          • !tulsabronies I'll try to be there

                            Saturday, 06-Aug-11 01:58:20 UTC from web