Kyle Atrus's home timeline


  1. Hey !Mibronies, looking to possibly talk to or even meet bronies from the Ann Arbor area! :3

    Monday, 02-Jan-12 03:22:55 UTC from web
  2. !mibronies I'm not from Michigan but I live like 10 minutes away in Windsor! :3

    Monday, 28-Nov-11 10:17:05 UTC from web
    • !mibronies any downriver bronies?

      Monday, 21-Nov-11 22:52:42 UTC from web
    • Hey !mibronies, Just relocated to the Ann Arbor area, Any Brony's around wanna get together?

      Monday, 21-Nov-11 18:34:39 UTC from web
    • !mibronies Hey guys we have a fast growing group catering to bronies of the West Michigan Area (Grand Rapids, Rockford, Muskegon, Allendale, Cedar Springs, Holland). It's FB for those that use that use the service: @cynicalpink @commiekirby I noticed you are both are from the GR area. Come look us up@

      Thursday, 27-Oct-11 01:29:51 UTC from web
      • !mibronies

        Thursday, 29-Sep-11 08:45:34 UTC from web
        • !mibronies anypony between Detroit and Toledo?

          Thursday, 22-Sep-11 03:50:43 UTC from web
        • Hi !mibronies! I just moved to Holland for college so I just wanted to find some other bronies in the general area. :D

          Sunday, 04-Sep-11 17:10:24 UTC from web
        • Any !mibronies from Kalamazoo?

          Friday, 02-Sep-11 07:04:23 UTC from web
        • @masiko Both me and @Presspass are in GR as well! I'm so excited for West !mibronies!

          Sunday, 28-Aug-11 17:15:02 UTC from web
        • Wow; !mibronies is almost up to 50 members! And to think I was worried when I signed up as #

          Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 02:40:17 UTC from web
          • !mibronies Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a meetup for the new season, which is September 17th. I'm thinking a fairly casual meet-up/pony-ish party (cupcakes, streamers, all that jazz.) I'm in the Grand Rapids area so I'm planning on somewhere around there. If anyone is interested hit me up.

            Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 05:02:10 UTC from web
          • !mibronies There is this anime convention in Detroit at the end of October called Youmacon, that would be an awesome place to meet up.

            Saturday, 13-Aug-11 01:27:18 UTC from web
          • Do not refer to Princess Luna as "Crescent Fresh". #

            Monday, 08-Aug-11 09:37:25 UTC from web
          • Informal Survey: Who is (currently) best pony? I'm in for Pinkie Pie =P

            Sunday, 07-Aug-11 06:04:01 UTC from web
          • Hello every brony. How are you y'all today?

            Sunday, 07-Aug-11 05:51:38 UTC from web
          • Huh. How do earth ponies eat ice cream cones?

            Saturday, 06-Aug-11 21:46:22 UTC from web
          • Oh hey, everypony. I just signed up for this thing. :|

            Saturday, 06-Aug-11 12:12:34 UTC from web