Aisling Botkin's home timeline


  1. Also I've meet so many !socalbronies !labronies while i was the MLP Event in Los Angeles !

    Monday, 14-May-12 02:52:27 UTC from web
    • All my pony merch from the Los Angeles MLP:FiM Event ! !norcalbronies !socalbronies !labronies

      Monday, 14-May-12 02:48:31 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • !socalbronies !labronies Can't wait to meet you at the MLP screening :D

      Friday, 11-May-12 23:45:10 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • [b]EQLA Announces Tara Strong[/b]: I think Tara must have found a way to clone herself or something.   It looks like Equestria LA has brought her on for November.  How she manages to do all of these is beyond me, but LA is a pretty massive entertainment hub, so I bet a ton of you will be all over this one!  Check out the press release below! >

        Friday, 11-May-12 22:21:09 UTC from Sethisto
      • !socalbronies !labronies MY LITTLE PONY: Friendship Is Magic autograph poster signing and meet & greet FAQ : Are photos allowed at the signing? ....... Photos are not allowed at this signing, unfortunately. Therefore, cameras and video will not be allowed.

        Friday, 11-May-12 03:16:32 UTC from web
      • This Saturday The 7 !NorCalBronies will join the !SoCalBronies / !LABronies at the MLP:FiM Screening in Los Angeles !

        Tuesday, 08-May-12 07:06:18 UTC from web
        • !socalbronies !labronies

          Monday, 07-May-12 02:46:03 UTC from web
          • !norcalbronies the MLP Screening road trip ! time to meet some !labronies !socalbronies !!!

            Monday, 07-May-12 01:06:58 UTC from web
            • !socalbronies !labronies i got my ticket for the MLP Screening ! and i have a ride to there , eeyup I'm all the way from San Francisco,CA ! Nor-Cal Brony!

              Monday, 07-May-12 00:47:32 UTC from web
            • Get ready !socalbronies & !labronies to meet a San Francisco Brony!!

              Sunday, 06-May-12 06:44:38 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
              • Slept through my alarm. At least I woke up late with enough time to make it to work on time... and stop for coffee

                Sunday, 06-May-12 05:53:32 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • I'm the only Nor-Cal Brony in the RDN !SoCalBronies & !LAbronies groups right?

                Sunday, 06-May-12 06:05:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                • !socalbronies !labronies can't wait to meet some So-Cal Bronies!

                  Sunday, 06-May-12 05:48:39 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                • !socalbronies !labronies See you at the Show next Saturday :D , !Eeyup nor-cal BRONY heading south!

                  Sunday, 06-May-12 05:36:20 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                  • !socalbronies !labronies Anypony planning to go to Bats Day at Disneyland on May 20th? If so, would anypony be interested in meeting up at some point? If you don't know what Bats Day is go here:

                    Friday, 27-Apr-12 08:18:36 UTC from web
                  • !socalbronies !labronies Anypony planning to go to Bats Day at Disneyland on May 20th? If so, would anypony be interested in meeting up at some point? If you don't know what Bats Day is go here:

                    Sunday, 22-Apr-12 15:16:53 UTC from web
                    • Big news, !SoCal and *especially* !LAbronies - Saturday, May 12th from 12-3pm at the Silent Movie Theater in Hollywood, there will be a MLP:FiM screening... AND panel with the voice actors! The SMT doesn't have any info on their site, and the Meetup page is likewise lacking, but it's been announced and I'm echoing it here. (Don't blame me if things go awry)

                      Wednesday, 18-Apr-12 03:19:05 UTC from web
                      • !SoCal and !LAbronies - Saturday, May 19th, we're planning a book drive and arcade meetup in Redondo Beach. The book drive is to benefit UCLA Child Life, which tries to make a hospital stay as hospitable as possible for children. For more info, check out the Meetup page:

                        Sunday, 15-Apr-12 17:00:45 UTC from web
                        • Busy weekend coming up for !SoCal and !LAbronies - Dave & Busters in Ontario on Friday ( ), events in Escondido ( ) and Irvine ( ) on Saturday, and a beach bonfire bash bonanza at Bolsa Chica State Park on Sunday ( )! Consider yourselves all up to date.

                          Friday, 13-Apr-12 00:37:28 UTC from web
                          • !SoCal and !LAbronies - just got this one in my eMail. "Royal Wedding Reception and Bowling Party at Shakey's in Redlands, CA." Saturday, April 21st. Hit up for more info.

                            Thursday, 12-Apr-12 05:18:22 UTC from web
                            • !SoCal and !LAbronies - Beach Bonfire, April 14 in Huntington.

                              Thursday, 05-Apr-12 06:36:30 UTC from web
                              • @takino Yo i live in Lake Elsinore not far away!

                                Saturday, 21-Jan-12 04:43:37 UTC from web
                                • will any soon meetups be near the downtown or west LA area?

                                  Monday, 19-Dec-11 05:14:19 UTC from web
                                • Crummy shot of the !SoCal & !LAbronies meetup toy drive result. 29 pony toys, and more stuff on top of that. :3

                                  Saturday, 10-Dec-11 21:59:58 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                  • !SoCal and !LAbronies - I hope I'm not repeating anything, but on December 10th we'll be gathering up to donate to the Toys-For-Tots toy drive. Pony toys are encouraged, but not required. More info on the Meetup page:

                                    Wednesday, 30-Nov-11 01:30:34 UTC from web
                                    • !socalbronies !labronies Hey everypony! The So Cal bronies group is holding a meetup on the 10th of December, so don't forget! Also, we'll be doing a toy drive as a part of Operation Winter Wrap Up (more info here: so bring a toy to donate. Meetup info and location here: note: you'll need an account to view this, but don't worry! We don't bite. Often.

                                      Thursday, 24-Nov-11 01:39:14 UTC from web
                                      • !SoCal & !LAbronies Hey everypony. I'm going to propose something my house owner jus gave me the green light on: I'm opening my livingroom and huge entertainment system for a pack of bronies to come over weekly for a group watch of each new ep. and whatever shenans / vids we wanna do after. I can take the first 8 willing or conveniently local ponies that are interested. If this sounds fun or yer tired of watching new episodes alone then hit me up! These will not be all-night parties, a couple hours is ideal. I live on Electric St. in Gardena. 90248 email and I'll do it mailing list style and we'll figure out a best time!

                                        Wednesday, 23-Nov-11 05:50:57 UTC from web
                                        • !SoCal & !LAbronies - The Camelot Golfland meetup has changed to Saturday, November 12th at 1:00 PM - that is 6 days and 22 hours from now! (provided I can do math). Meetup page is here:

                                          Saturday, 05-Nov-11 22:06:03 UTC from web
                                          • !SoCal !LAbronies - Group photo from the latest meetup, for any who haven't seen it on the Meetup page.

                                            Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 21:46:15 UTC from web
                                          • !SoCal and !LAbronies - This may be a little quick on the heels of the latest meetup, but with Thanksgiving this month and all... Friday, November 11th, 1:00 PM at Camelot Golfland (sadly, not Canterlot Golfland). More info at the Meetup site:

                                            Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 19:05:14 UTC from web