Replies to vanillabelle, page 4

  1. @vanillabelle !calgary I've heard rumors about the $5 admission fee, but I've never seen anyone actually pay it. If it were mandatory I wouldn't be able to come at all, on account of being dead broke.

    Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:09:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  2. @vanillabelle !calgarybronies Ehh, if I had some time, I might try NaNo, but with commissions, school, rehearsals, etc. I'm just too busy. It's a pity, I had some good ideas.

    Tuesday, 01-Nov-11 04:28:19 UTC from web in context
  3. @vanillabelle its ok, hope you feel better soon.

    Saturday, 29-Oct-11 17:48:10 UTC from web in context
  4. @vanillabelle hey can you meet me at heritage station at 5 tomorrow?

    Saturday, 29-Oct-11 00:09:31 UTC from web in context
  5. @vanillabelle sure thing

    Tuesday, 25-Oct-11 02:20:35 UTC from web in context
  6. !Calgarybronies @vanillabelle so it would be more of a surprise, yes and yes.

    Tuesday, 25-Oct-11 01:45:04 UTC from web in context
  7. @vanillabelle I just want to avoid spoilers, in case it actually gets off the ground. Especially in a public place like this. !calgary

    Monday, 24-Oct-11 23:03:18 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  8. @vanillabelle thanks, I'll definitely check your meetup out

    Sunday, 23-Oct-11 17:17:02 UTC from web in context
  9. !calgary Apparently some of you have never heard Discord before, so here's Discord: || @smokingtoast We mostly just hang out at the Sentry Box every other saturday night and have fun. || @phoenixswift streams pretty much any media file in any format straight to your PS3. It even supports softsubs if you care about that. Also, || @yodelerty It's still all your fault. || @vanillabelle You missed Chongo's clopfics! Which is probably for the best, but I'm sure @conjour will put them on youtube anyways.

    Sunday, 23-Oct-11 03:38:05 UTC from web in context
  10. @vanillabelle Is there an age limit or can anyone go?

    Sunday, 23-Oct-11 02:01:06 UTC from web in context
  11. @vanillabelle Thats ok :) Thank you. I am excited for this meet up I was in a different city last weekend so I couldn't make it :( !calgarybronies

    Saturday, 15-Oct-11 20:15:36 UTC from web in context
  12. @vanillabelle Xd No, no. Wasn't me. It was @phoenixswift . It was just a thing in the nightly round-up about him finding some FiM shirts.

    Saturday, 15-Oct-11 17:42:20 UTC from web in context
  13. @darcyblue @vanillabelle !calgarybronies I ordered a turkeden for Christmas, I've been wanting to try one forever

    Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 07:31:55 UTC from web in context
  14. @vanillabelle i never actually had one or seen one before. so i wouldnt know what to look for.

    Tuesday, 11-Oct-11 19:14:20 UTC from web in context
  15. @vanillabelle no the meetups

    Sunday, 09-Oct-11 03:11:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  16. @vanillabelle !calgarybronies yes the meetup is this saturday and the costume contest will be on the 22

    Friday, 07-Oct-11 06:26:55 UTC from web in context
  17. @vanillabelle must all costumes be pony related or Are generic Halloween costumes acceptable?

    Friday, 07-Oct-11 01:57:59 UTC from web in context
  18. @vanillabelle !calgarybronies Correct, those are the two upcoming ones.

    Friday, 07-Oct-11 01:30:33 UTC from web in context
  19. @vanillabelle I dont know about this weekend I will Try and make it, but the one on the 22nd sounds fun. I love any excuse to dress up XD

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 20:22:04 UTC from web in context
  20. @vanillabelle Yay! Ok, waiting is fine. They're so awesome, they're definitely worth waiting for. :D

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 17:29:15 UTC from web in context
  21. @vanillabelle I would really like to come to one of the meet ups. :) Where can I find more information on the next one?

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 06:22:00 UTC from web in context
  22. @vanillabelle I think were all glad @bodegh got an account.

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 01:36:00 UTC from web in context
  23. @vanillabelle Hello yes it was me at the pony show :) I'm still trying to figure this site out but I am excited to be a part of !calgarybronies. (I hope I did that right, I'm still getting used to this site. ) :)

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 00:37:24 UTC from web in context
  24. @vanillabelle Yep, that's right! Although, could I also add a Fluttershy CM in as well? So that'd be everything you said, plus 1 Fluttershy CM with a total of 11 pins. Again, thank you so much! Yeah, just let me know what I end up owing you. :) Yay pony pins!

    Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 23:57:36 UTC from web in context
  25. @ikasamabrony !calgarybronies @vanillabelle hey talked to @darcyblue a little while ago about all this and i have an alternative plan for otafest. instead of geting a table at artists alley i thought that instead we should get a room. we talked about this a while ago about getting a room for just pony and promote the group so we can also maybe have a place in the back or upfront where we can sell stuff, two birds one stone kinda thing. i dont know how much it would cost or anything other details but its an idea. unfortunately i am i bit tight on money right now what with me saving for a house and having to go back to school in the new year but i will donate what i can.

    Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 22:00:58 UTC from web in context
  26. @vanillabelle otafest lite is in november. they dont have an artists alley. otafest is in may. the expo is in july.

    Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 15:08:17 UTC from web in context
  27. @vanillabelle Oh my gosh thank you so much! :) I was hoping to get 2 each of discord, Dr Whoof CM, and the parasprite, and 1 each of Pinkie Pie CM, Elements of Harmony, Tom, and CMC. Is that ok? I think it should come to $35 for my stuff. Again, thank you so much!

    Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 05:26:14 UTC from web in context
  28. !calgarybronies @vanillabelle At the expo, im sure they're stricter about how many people are at a table. At Otafest I dont think they really care.. my roommate tells me the tables there are around $70 which is much more affordable even if we got two tables.

    Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 05:08:25 UTC from web in context
  29. !calgary Thanks, everyone. @vanillabelle The 'plan' was homework and housework, but mom decided on the ride home to stop by Boston Pizza for supper, so now I probably won't have time to do both. Getting ready for the move this weekend has left me a bit behind in my studies. I did a lot of catching up in class today, but I've still got a ways to go before I'm in the clear. Being sick hasn't helped, obviously, but I'm almost better.

    Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 01:55:42 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  30. !calgarybronies @puzzlemint happy birthday! I was actually talking to @vanillabelle the other day about creating an online calender (google doc style) that we can all put down our birthdays as well as events/meetups on.

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 19:07:57 UTC from web in context