Replies to verybritishrarity, page 5

  1. @verybritishrarity EEK! Awww, that really IS # ! I'm so sorry to hear that. :( I hope that you're able to remember most of it, so you can recreate it as quickly as possible (assuming you don't stumble across a secret save file someplace that manages to recover everything, which would be truly awesome).

    Friday, 04-Nov-11 00:46:41 UTC from web in context
  2. @verybritishrarity That really sucks! Let me extend my deepest !snuggles to you!

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 23:41:02 UTC from web in context
  3. @verybritishrarity Care to tell us?

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 23:30:04 UTC from web in context
  4. @verybritishrarity I so look forward to it! And a wire frame probably would be the best approach. I'd love to see something put together like a long wig fashioned into a mane, but assuming you didn't damage it through redesigning the crown, the dye job and HairNetting the heck out of it, it would be such a pain to maintain, and turn into an unruly mess within a year or two. *pout* Anyway, I sure hope that some brony eyes are caught, when you do get this together. Of course, after seeing it, perhaps you'll convert a few new bronies out there, hm? :)

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 19:58:43 UTC from web in context
  5. @verybritishrarity Oh, it is yummy! I'm no Applejack nor Pinkie Pie, but I manage well enough. ;) I'd love to hear how it comes out for you, if you decide to bake some up! As for the hoodies, the Spike hoodie sounds like it will be fun to put together, but you have me especially curious about the Rarity one, for that very reason. I hope that you can find a way to suitably reproduce or stylize her stylishly swoopy mane! And being fabulous is much better with friends, but if there aren't any about, if anyone can pull off being fabulous enough for a group all by one's lonesome, I'm certain that you can. ;) Still, I do hope some turn up, all the same!

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 17:02:36 UTC from web in context
  6. @colfax You flatter me dear, but misinterpret what I was trying to say. ^^ I was merely complimenting @verybritishrarity ^^

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:36:11 UTC from web in context
  7. @lightningcrash Yes dear, @verybritishrarity is one exquisite, fabulous pony. We're two of a kind, I daresay.

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:31:58 UTC from web in context
  8. @verybritishrarity Lol, you remind me of the ol' rainbowdash. "That's just darling, darling!"

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:30:14 UTC from web in context
  9. @verybritishrarity Yes, I agree dear, I must try my hoof at it as well now. ^^ I'm doing very well dear, feeling well rested, if not a bit peckish. hehe. How about you dear? Exciting things I trust. ;)

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 15:30:13 UTC from web in context
  10. @verybritishrarity Sorry to eavesdrop my dear, but caramel apple bread does sound absolutely divine.

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 14:07:52 UTC from web in context
  11. @verybritishrarity Oh, true, I'd imagine that the food coloring did help out there, and the cake does look very moist. Yummy! :9 A good thing that I have some of the caramel dutch apple bread that I brought in today left over, or you'd have me very hungry right now. And those hoodies sound like so much fun! I admit, I'm even more interested in seeing how the Rarity hoodie comes out, and what you have in mind for the design. And I do hope that you do turn over a few secret bronies and pegasisters. That would be fun! :)

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 01:31:37 UTC from web in context
  12. @verybritishrarity Ohhh, that looks like such a fun, yummy cake! (Pinkie Pie would be proud, I'm sure!) A lot of effort put into it, too, I'm sure. Very well done! :) Thank you for sharing that! And, by the way, speaking of fun, the Spike hoodie you're working on this weekend sounds like an interesting project! I'll hope to hear all about it. :)

    Thursday, 03-Nov-11 00:31:05 UTC from web in context
  13. @verybritishrarity Hehe I just have a great deal of confidence in you :)

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 23:42:30 UTC from web in context
  14. @verybritishrarity Oh, it will! You're making it!~

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 23:34:02 UTC from web in context
  15. @verybritishrarity Awww, well, for something like that, it probably is best to keep the flavors fairly uniform, anyway. But, still, it does have my head spinning with ideas, at the monent. :) As for pictures, oh, I'd love to see them, but only if it isn't any trouble.

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 23:33:19 UTC from web in context
  16. @verybritishrarity If you would, could you post pictures of the hoodie when you've completed it?

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 23:22:23 UTC from web in context
  17. @verybritishrarity I totally agree! It's one of the reasons I enjoy the holidays, actually. :) As for the cake, ohhh, yes, that does make sense. Doing it that way, you do get a little bit of a color blend, but it's broken out enough to not become an unwieldy mess. Out of curiosity, did you use different flavors for each of the tins? And did you do anything fancy with the icing, to match the coloring beneath, or keep things fairly uniform, to make the rainbow interior a bit of a surprise to be revealed when it's sliced?

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 22:17:24 UTC from web in context
  18. @verybritishrarity I know that I'm a bit late here, but hello, and welcome! :) And I like to bake, too. Can't say that I've ever baked a rainbow cake before, though. Did you do it as layers, or more of a marble swirl? :)

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 21:47:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  19. @verybritishrarity Oh my dear, that sounds absolutely decadent! I have never heard of such a confection before. I simply must add it to my todo list dear. It looks so exquisite! I do apologize my dear as I must be going now. It was such a pleasure speaking with you, we must talk more about baking and cooking next time dear. You're an absolute pleasure. ^^ Ciao dear.

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 20:04:11 UTC from web in context
  20. @verybritishrarity Oh of course dear, how could I not want, not only the soon to be most talented attorney in all of creation, but also the most stunning and fabulous. Oh my yes, those both would be very interesting fields of concentration. I can see them both, keeping you very busy my dear. Aww...thank you dear, you flatter me too much though. Oh baking, I just adore baking, and all sorts of culinary arts. Cooking and other domestic tasks are some of my favorite activities dear. ^^

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 19:57:30 UTC from web in context
  21. @verybritishrarity Yes, but still dear, that is a very exciting journey ahead of you. One that you will gracefully traverse with your style and elegance. No doubt, if I ever need an attorney, I know who I shall call. ;) Is there any certain aspect of the law you will be specializing in my dear? I'm very curious to know. *huggles* You're absolutely enchanting.

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 19:50:17 UTC from web in context
  22. @verybritishrarity Thank you dear hehe, I certainly do flout his expectations. *she giggles* Like your my fabulous filly, I too, dress to impress. ;) Oh my dear, an attorney is such an admirable and respectable career. I'll feel a bit more humbled by your status at that point my dear. ^^ I know you'll certainly be the most exquisite attorney of them all. ^^

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 19:24:31 UTC from web in context
  23. @verybritishrarity I only speak the truth dear. ^^ Yes, jeans and a polo shirt are hardly appropriate for a modern business mare. :3 Yes, hopefully with time it will change. ^^ This den of fabulosity is far from grand, but a few accents to make the drab space far more comfortable dear. ^^ A necessity hehe. Yes you're such a pleasure dear. ^^ A law major too, so very admirable. You must be the top of your class, as eloquent as you are. ^^ Will you be perusing a career as a lawyer or some other law related career, my dear?

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 18:37:49 UTC from web in context
  24. @verybritishrarity *She hugs you* Oh I'm so sorry dear, I did not know they were not available in the UK. They were special issues included inside issues of the Nintendo Power magazine. I do wish I had an extra set to share with you dear. But of course dear, you are due all the compliments I have a voice to give. Such a pony as yourself surely knows how exquisite you are. ^^ Oh I manage dear, hehe, it's quite a fright sometimes, but I do manage. My cubicle is a den of fabulosity. hehe. I just hope that my fashion sense can rub off on this place a bit, if it can. My boss the other day confessed that he wanted us to wear jeans and a polo shirt to work everyday. I simply could not comply with this. Talking to you dear, certainly helps me get through the day as well. ^^

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 18:21:56 UTC from web in context
  25. @verybritishrarity I am so very glad you've opted to stay with us so we can get to know you too!~

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 17:58:00 UTC from web in context
  26. @verybritishrarity Yes, darling they are both very important. ^^ Very much so, and I thank you, it is at very least aesthetically pleasing. ^^ I am very glad that you are not a computer pony thoug h my dear. ^^ Your fabulosity and style would be wasted in these dimly lit corridors filled with awkward fashion and drab windowless rooms. ^^ Oh my dear, I too enjoy the Pokemon games quite a bit, I took grew up playing them, always eagerly awaiting the next installment. ^^ Oh my, *she blushes* you flatter me dear. However, you too may now be my favorite pony as well. I think, the darling that you are, you may enjoy this, as it is relevant to your interests. ^^

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 17:53:11 UTC from web in context
  27. @verybritishrarity I am flattered that you find me to be all the things you listed! It sure is a nice community we have here and I'm glad you chose to join us! I hope you'll come back often and say hello!~

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 17:21:51 UTC from web in context
  28. @verybritishrarity Oh that makes me so happy to hear that dear. ^^ Polite discussions are the foundation to a fabulous day. ^^ Well that...and making sure one's appearance is fabulous first, but I digress. Hehe. That topic sounds absolutely interesting and yet frighteningly complext to me at the same time dear. I am no law pony, I must confess. So my knowledge of the judicial system is limited. I do agree, that the judicial attire is absolutely drab though dear. ^^ Very much so. *she giggles* Oh my coding is nothing special dear. ^^ Just some simple visual tool that some of the support ponies can use to make some rather, time consuming database operations more efficient. ^^ It is not exactly very helpful to the company's bottom line, but helpful to keep the morale of the staff up a bit. ^^ I noticed in your profile dear, that you enjoy video games, you must tell me more. ^^ Also hugs as well, so *huggles* I must hug you dear. ^^ You're just simply a delight. ^^

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 17:21:51 UTC from web in context
  29. @verybritishrarity Oh yes! I try my best to speak with every pony around here if at all possible and sometimes it is overwhelming! But it is - needless to say - so very worth it to have all these friends :)

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 17:11:33 UTC from web in context
  30. @verybritishrarity riiiight

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 17:09:32 UTC from StatusNet Android in context