Replies to verybritishrarity, page 6

  1. @verybritishrarity Ah you flatter me dear. ^^ You have quickly become such a favorite pony of mine, a kindred spirit you might say. I hope to have much more pleasant conversation with you, in the future dear. ^^ If I may be so bold as to ask, what sort of essay your professor has you writing? I'm just very curious my dear if it is something interesting. I always do enjoy an interesting topic. ^^

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 17:04:48 UTC from web in context
  2. @verybritishrarity that less than three

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 17:02:54 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  3. @verybritishrarity I apologise for the late reply Milady, with so many ponies to talk to around here it can be a bit of a muddle! How do you keep up with so many ponies at once so majestically?

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:56:01 UTC from web in context
  4. @verybritishrarity do me a favor. And not do that

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:55:05 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  5. @verybritishrarity Thank you for your kindness. I'm glad you find some appeal in my chip-paper comedy... it makes the labours of a hack such as myself seem less futile. It has been an honour meeting you, my lady, but now I must away. May our paths cross again!

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:50:32 UTC from web in context
  6. @verybritishrarity Why thank you for your confidence in me, my dear. ^^ Of course, I know as one pony of grace and style to another, though we must endure hardships dear, at least we can have the satisfaction of knowing, that with each task we perform, we bring more grace and civility to this rather unruly world. hehe. You have brought a spark of happiness to this dull day my dear, with your pleasant demeanor and your eloquent conversation. I thank you. ^^

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:48:25 UTC from web in context
  7. @verybritishrarity You flatter me! ...thank you, my lady. My punning is a defence mechanism, a crutch I use to travail my life as a lowly half-breed. Your stature is apparent in even the smallest of your gestures.

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:40:14 UTC from web in context
  8. @verybritishrarity You're such a lovely pony, however do you keep on top of everything and manage to be so good to your friends?

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:35:14 UTC from web in context
  9. @verybritishrarity Oh my, dear, that simply sounds dreadful. I do hope that you can finish it quickly and effortlessly dear. Oh heavens no, dear, my day isn't very glamorous either. Just toiling away here, writing code, while ruffians talk about their sporting teams. I just know that whatever your essay is about dear, you'll bring much style and grace, that is assured. ^^

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:34:01 UTC from web in context
  10. @verybritishrarity Oh it's quite all right, a lady such as yourself should not be running around after the needs of others

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:29:16 UTC from web in context
  11. @verybritishrarity I'll just scoot that way now

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:23:42 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  12. @verybritishrarity Oh, good! Allow me to go make some for us, you seem overrun with making others tea today and need to rest your hooves.

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:23:07 UTC from web in context
  13. @verybritishrarity I'm sure you can pull it off. I, however, put the 'pun' in 'punchable'.

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:21:46 UTC from web in context
  14. @verybritishrarity ....are you hitting on me?...

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:17:19 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  15. @verybritishrarity Why, of course not! I just hope you don't have your life threatened for it.

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:16:10 UTC from web in context
  16. @verybritishrarity Shall we meet up over some tea?

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:11:22 UTC from web in context
  17. @verybritishrarity Greenwich, eh? You must be a good multitasker, cos everything you do... is IN THE MEAN TIME!

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:08:19 UTC from web in context
  18. @verybritishrarity you going to fly it in from Britain or somethin?

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:00:32 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  19. @verybritishrarity Oh, I'm just lovely dear. Thank you so much for asking. I'm so glad you're doing well also dear. ^^ You don't know how happy that makes me. What fabulous things, do you have planned today dear?

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 16:00:24 UTC from web in context
  20. @verybritishrarity You might be the best user on the site ever, just saying.

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 15:59:50 UTC from web in context
  21. @ceruleanspark @verybritishrarity agreed

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 15:53:57 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  22. @verybritishrarity British Rarity is best Rarity

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 15:53:13 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context
  23. @verybritishrarity Well hello darling!!

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 14:55:38 UTC from web in context
  24. @verybritishrarity Hello dear, how are you today?

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 14:55:27 UTC from web in context