AaronLujan's home timeline


  1. Alright, done what I needed to do, rainbowdash.net/doc/minecraft is back up again!

    Thursday, 07-Jun-12 18:14:57 UTC from web
  2. @mrdragon I just got minecraft two days ago!

    Thursday, 07-Jun-12 17:40:23 UTC from web
  3. I never ever want to carry out a systems analysis again. EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

    Thursday, 07-Jun-12 17:08:14 UTC from web
  4. @mrdragon Did someone say MINECRAFT?

    Thursday, 07-Jun-12 17:32:49 UTC from web
  5. Good good good morning everypony! :D

    Thursday, 07-Jun-12 16:59:04 UTC from web
  6. That moment where bullets fly over my turret, artillery shells leave craters around my tank, and cannons rain fire around me, and all my team is doing is argueing about who is the better pony. I SAID IT'S RAINBOW DASH FOR BEST PONY!!!

    Thursday, 07-Jun-12 17:16:02 UTC from web
  7. What do you call a waffle lieing on a beach? A San Diego.

    Thursday, 07-Jun-12 16:48:37 UTC from web
    • Hmmmm...

      Thursday, 07-Jun-12 16:37:51 UTC from web
    • @scribble I'll talk to you tomorrow. ;)

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:56:01 UTC from web
    • Bye everypony. I'll be around more often nowadays.

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:55:23 UTC from web
    • @lyrica The modest yes. :3

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:53:56 UTC from web
      • @lyrica And you are great at Digi-art. Yes?

        Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:50:40 UTC from web
      • @scribble I've never used acrylics before, so I'll need some help. XD

        Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:49:11 UTC from web
        • @lyrica Do you like Luna?

          Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:46:05 UTC from web
        • @scribble Hmmm... I'm thinking of advancing my skillz with acrylics, first.

          Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:45:37 UTC from web
        • @purplephish20 Take me there! I'm at my restaurant, about to clock back into work.

          Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:42:05 UTC from web
          • @lyrica Hmmm... an artist eh? Digital artist, it seems....

            Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:40:28 UTC from web
            • When does MLP season 3 start, anypony?

              Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:37:23 UTC from web
              • @scribble Hehe. Prom. Graduation. Parties. Gaming. Increase in time I don't know what to do with. Increase in work hours. Preparation for staffing Encampment (boot camp for Civil Air Patrol) More parties. Dats My life.

                Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:30:42 UTC from web
              • @cloudchaser *giggle* I try my best to be a nice guy. SHARING KINDNESS IS AN EASY FEAT

                Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:33:44 UTC from web
              • @cloudchaser It'll get better. I'm sure you'll go. :3

                Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:23:28 UTC from web
              • @scribble Hehe # So. I shall now ask what I've missed in the past 2 months since we talked.

                Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:18:25 UTC from web
              • @cloudchaser No probs. So, what in the near future are you looking forward to?

                Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:17:33 UTC from web
              • @cloudchaser # Hope it gets better

                Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:15:09 UTC from web
              • @scribble # # # #

                Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:11:19 UTC from web
              • @ponyray You and me both. Welcome back hotshot.

                Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:05:57 UTC from web
                • @netsky Mind linking me the pic you used for your avatar?

                  Sunday, 03-Jun-12 19:00:47 UTC from web
                • @noirbatch You're welcome comrade!

                  Sunday, 03-Jun-12 18:52:49 UTC from web
                  • @noirbatch Good luck amigo!

                    Sunday, 03-Jun-12 18:50:40 UTC from web
                  • Hmmm... I guess, now that I have the time, I could lurk in my pony-cave and work on my special project for all you Luna fans.

                    Sunday, 03-Jun-12 18:48:52 UTC from web