

  1. …and I think I created my account when I was in the UK because all of my rates are in pounds which means that the licenses are actually more expensive than I think.

    about a year ago from web
    1. @zeldatra I think those prices contain VAT.

      about a year ago from web
      1. @adiwan it sure would be great if they’d let me change my region then. :/

        about a year ago from web
        1. @zeldatra I could swear I saw where to change the region in the google settings. Ad-hoc I can only see the help page for the Play store

          about a year ago from web
          1. @adiwan nah, I’m talking about my music clearance service, which exclusively shows me prices in pounds and says my location is the United Kingdom (but the company is headquartered in London, so. Maybe that’s why)

            about a year ago from web