

  1. “Kiryu has contracted schizophrenia from repeated exposure to Kasuga” is not a tutorial I thought I would read in this game

    about 4 months ago from web
    • @zeldatra Ichiban has an infectious personality.

      about 4 months ago in context
    • @adiwan is that why Nanba sounds like COVID destroyed his throat

      about 4 months ago in context
    • @zeldatra Nanba's voice was always scratchy and throaty as far as I can remember. Chucking booze, spitting flames, and being homeless twice(!) isn't helping either.

      about 4 months ago in context
    • @adiwan I dunno, maybe I’m just misremembering Nanba’s voice because I’m currently used to hearing him as Yagami’s, but Greg Chun constantly sounds like he’s about to lose his voice in Infinite Wealth. That and his audio mixing is like noticeably worse than everyone else’s, so he might actually just have done everything from home with no voice direction and the audio engineer didn’t fix anything. Mega jarring because the rest of the English voice dub is shockingly good.

      about 4 months ago in context
    • @zeldatra I'm playing with the Japanese audio. I don't know how good the English voice cast is but I'm very much used to listening to the Japanese voices. On the other hand the English of some characters is the epitome of bad. I cringe extremely hard hearing Bryce speaking English. If I were the director I'd rather have a voice-alike for the English. Maybe it was out of budget or time but it undermines his character in my opinion.

      about 4 months ago in context
    • @adiwan it’s mad unfortunate in some cases, they face scanned Daniel Dae Kim for the triad boss but when he talks it’s not Daniel Dae Kim’s voice and Daniel Dae Kim is Ebina instead???

      about 4 months ago in context