

  1. people online will say i'm a left wing hack but i'm blocked both by the state GOP AND failed Democratic presidential candidate Dean Phillips on Twitter so I think I'm actually a very balanced hack

    about 3 months ago from web
    1. @zeldatra If I were in the US I'd be called a filthy communist. I'm all for universal healthcare. In Germany you can opt-out and be privately health-insured. I'm against that as rich people dodge paying into the general health care fund, making the poorer pay more. I'm also for free public transport (bus, tram, trains) as they are a key part for poorer people to participate in society and make it easier for them to get or maintain a job (also environmental benefits). I think most of the political landscape would burn me like a witch, except is a giant BBQ with a US flag paint job.

      about 3 months ago from web