

  1. Got a flyer from the extreme right wing political party Alternative für Deutschland (AFD) (Alternative for Germany). It's disgusting what they demand like harsh deportations. There are many points that even contradict. "We want to strengthen the EU" and then "We want to get back to national currencies and weaken the EU parliament to the point it's even less effective than a paperweight made out of one sheet of paper.". Getting rid of the elements that bind the Union together is quite the opposite. Also they want to get rid of taxes. Between the lines they believe in trickle down economics. What a bunch of racist clowns.

    about a month ago from web
    1. @adiwan The flyer was in my mailbox because of the EU parliament election. Also I got my election papers informing me where I have to vote or how to get the by-mail-voting arranged. The voting booth is in another Elementary School than I'm used to, although not living that far away. Gonna have to find out where it's located and such.

      about a month ago from web
    2. @adiwan I got one of these from my Republican neighbor who was running for local office but was refusing to state his political affiliation because my district was like Biden+20 or something like that. He encouraged me to contact him so I sent him an email about his frankly horrific and cartoonishly evil platform. I never received a response and now I get dirty looks when he sees me walk down the street.

      about a month ago from web
      1. @zeldatra It's sad that US politics is so extremely polarized for so long that only two parties are "viable" for voting. I don't know but maybe he was leaning towards Republican because of some topics that were OK but was ignoring the horrible other stuff and rationalized them away.

        about a month ago from web