

  1. I feel like the mods here could at least be a bit cheerful and uplifting to the community instead of being the police.

    Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:05:47 UTC from web
    1. @fuzzypony you idiots need policing

      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:06:33 UTC from web
      1. @rarity Maybe if people weren't saying things like "You idiots need policing", we wouldn't need policing.

        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:07:55 UTC from web
      2. @rarity What matt said.

        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:09:34 UTC from web
    2. @fuzzypony Bearing in mind that we're always understaffed and I'm personally on edge because everything I do is scrutinized, I'm not going to be able to be cheerful or uplifting. That's sort of unrealistic.

      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:06:45 UTC from web
      1. @scoot Of course. But it isn't only you who moderates RDN.

        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:09:20 UTC from web
        1. @fuzzypony No it isn't, thankfully.

          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:09:39 UTC from web
      2. @scoot # You can mess up all you want as a moderator and I'll still love you.

        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:10:33 UTC from web
        1. @pony :) thank you

          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:11:25 UTC from web
          1. @scoot :)

            Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:13:13 UTC from web
          2. @scoot Just wanted to let you know, I still respect you greatly. Yeah, so you do and say some things I don't agree with. Everyone does.

            Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:14:01 UTC from web
            1. @mrmattimation This is why, despite me disagreeing with you constantly, I still hold that you're completely alright and never hold anything against you.

              Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:15:05 UTC from web
              1. @scoot You know, it is ok to hold things against me. I don't hold grudges to people who deservedly hold grudges to me. Don't feel like you have to forgive everything I do, because I know it's difficult to. I also know that you're really stressed right now, so yes, you're going to make mistakes. We all do. It's what makes us human. As long as you own up to those mistakes, which you have thus far, you're cool by me.

                Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:19:55 UTC from web
    3. @fuzzypony If moderators didn't moderate, then they wouldn't be moderaters, now would they

      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:07:19 UTC from web
      1. @flamingpandaomg They could be nice teachers, not marshall Fluffle Puffing law

        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:10:46 UTC from web
        1. @fuzzypony Nice teaching doesn't work 90% of the time. I could point out one massive example but that wouldn't be very nice of me.

          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:11:26 UTC from web
          1. @flamingpandaomg Do it. But keep in mind that was a metaphor.

            Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:12:39 UTC from web
            1. @fuzzypony I'd like to add that when I tried to be a nice moderator nobody did anything I said and things actually got worse.

              Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:13:22 UTC from web
              1. @scoot Sounds like it would happen. But still hold the law, whilst being nice. I feel like this was told to you before, but I dunno. I'm trying to be helpful, not dissing your work as a mod here.

                Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:16:15 UTC from web
            2. @fuzzypony All I'm saying is that people who are getting in trouble usually tend to not care when people are gently trying to tell them to cut it out, which then leads to needing a more strict action. Having this many people all together makes it impossible to have a community that doesn't require strict moderation at least a part of the time.

              Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:15:22 UTC from web
              1. @flamingpandaomg People should learn their privilages. Their limits, and once the rules are set, ease down.

                Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:16:54 UTC from web
                1. @fuzzypony That'd be great ideally. Realistically though, it'll never happen.

                  Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:17:29 UTC from web
                  1. @flamingpandaomg Why not put it to the test. Trust the network.

                    Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:18:17 UTC from web
                    1. @fuzzypony That is a terrifying thought.

                      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:18:44 UTC from web
                    2. @fuzzypony Because we have put trust in the network and it's always backfired.

                      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:18:51 UTC from web
                      1. @flamingpandaomg I haven't seen that.

                        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:20:30 UTC from web
                2. @fuzzypony Should yes, but they don't. You have to FORCE that into them for them to bleat the way they need to.

                  Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:17:31 UTC from web
                  1. @awlderpy Erase them from the community.

                    Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:18:36 UTC from web
                    1. @fuzzypony There would be about 3 users left.

                      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:18:56 UTC from web
                      1. @scoot I don't think I'd even be here if it came to that.

                        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:19:39 UTC from web
                        1. @flamingpandaomg Neither would I

                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:20:06 UTC from web
                    2. @fuzzypony Good luck erasing ALL of them.

                      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:19:18 UTC from web
                      1. @awlderpy @scoot This is what I mean. Why are you all so damn negative?

                        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:19:57 UTC from web
                        1. @fuzzypony It isn't negativity, it's honest truth. I'm not trying to down on RDN here, I'm saying this is the way things are

                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:20:29 UTC from web
                          1. @scoot The way things are everywhere really.

                            Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:21:34 UTC from web
                          2. @scoot When was the last time, you ALL honestly tried to be friendly and supportive, whilst holding the law?

                            Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:22:25 UTC from web
                            1. @fuzzypony stop being so critical of him, jesus

                              Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:22:55 UTC from web
                              1. @rarity #

                                Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:24:30 UTC from web
                              2. @rarity I'm not. I want this site to not be so negative about everything ever. No one trusts anyone here.

                                Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:24:33 UTC from web
                                1. @fuzzypony I don't think you've ever been around when RDN goes into total meltdown for a while.

                                  Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:25:14 UTC from web
                                  1. @flamingpandaomg Nope. Never.

                                    Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:28:14 UTC from web
                                2. @fuzzypony For good bloody reason.

                                  Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:25:47 UTC from web
                                3. @fuzzypony what awl said

                                  Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:26:13 UTC from web
                            2. @fuzzypony I have done that and it didn't work at all

                              Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:23:05 UTC from web
                              1. @scoot I guess this site is a hopeless zoo then.

                                Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:25:32 UTC from web
                                1. @fuzzypony More or less. If I could snap my fingers and have RDN be a utopia I would do.

                                  Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:26:01 UTC from web
                                  1. @scoot I bet you would. And I wish you could.

                                    Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:27:29 UTC from web
                                    1. @fuzzypony Me too. But sadly I don't live in that world. I live in the world where if I don't step in and make sure people behave, they bicker and argue and it's a huge kerfuffle.

                                      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:28:30 UTC from web
                                      1. @scoot WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T USE THE SAME TOOTHPASTE I DO?

                                        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:29:23 UTC from web
                                        1. @flamingpandaomg Dare I make a Colgate joke.

                                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:30:10 UTC from web
                                        2. @flamingpandaomg My toothpaste is super strong and tastes awful, I'd probably prefer yours. Dentist's orders, though.

                                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:30:10 UTC from web
                                      2. @scoot Glad you're here, then.

                                        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:30:07 UTC from web
                                  2. @scoot @fuzzypony I don't think we're hopeless. So long as people like @awlderpy, @pony, @mushi, @vt3c, etc are here, we're going to be just find.

                                    Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:29:12 UTC from web
                                    1. @mrmattimation They should be mods.

                                      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:30:33 UTC from web
                                      1. @fuzzypony Cool people =/= good mods

                                        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:31:07 UTC from web
                                        1. @nerthos where am I on that scale

                                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:32:15 UTC from web
                                          1. @scoot I think you're on both.

                                            Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:32:59 UTC from web
                                            1. @flamingpandaomg Impossible!

                                              Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:33:18 UTC from web
                                        2. @nerthos is my rival admitting I'm ... cool?

                                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:32:22 UTC from web
                                        3. @nerthos Well, why aren't you a mod then? I haven't heard one good or bad reason you aren't still a mod.

                                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:32:56 UTC from web
                                          1. @fuzzypony He left voluntarily.

                                            Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:33:34 UTC from web
                                            1. @mrmattimation what

                                              Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:34:26 UTC from web
                                            2. @mrmattimation Nope. Widget demoted me.

                                              Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:34:33 UTC from web
                                              1. @nerthos Oh, did he? I was of the understanding that it was a mutual understanding.

                                                Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:35:16 UTC from web
                                                1. @mrmattimation I screwed up with a post and I had an agreement with him not to burn down the site. Over time people undid what I archieved, but at the time I was pretty pleased with the results and didn't feel I was really needed anymore.

                                                  Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:37:59 UTC from web
                                            3. @mrmattimation Did he? That's surely not hat he told me.

                                              Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:35:08 UTC from web
                                              1. @fuzzypony Its also not true

                                                Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:35:18 UTC from web
                                                1. @scoot Didn't think so.

                                                  Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:36:06 UTC from web
                                          2. @fuzzypony Widget considered my personality wasn't appropiate for the position. I could put an end to all the crap, yes, but it's not up to me.

                                            Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:36:34 UTC from web
                                            1. @nerthos I, as a community dweller think you should.

                                              Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:38:24 UTC from web
                                              1. @fuzzypony Problem is half the site thinks I'm the solution and the other half think I'm the problem.

                                                Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:39:05 UTC from web
                                                1. @nerthos We should have a poll then.

                                                  Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:40:34 UTC from web
                                                  1. @fuzzypony Nah, if the admins need me they'll call me.

                                                    Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:41:13 UTC from web
                                                    1. @nerthos I think they do need you.

                                                      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:44:00 UTC from web
                                                      1. @fuzzypony It'd take me a week to put all troublemakers on a leash again but some don't like the idea of that.

                                                        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:45:08 UTC from web
                                                        1. @nerthos Do something about them.

                                                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:45:52 UTC from web
                                                          1. @fuzzypony I won't do anything about it as a civilian. I'm not powerless, but I won't do anything without the adminiship asking me to. I'm good enough taking care of my people and enjoying the site.

                                                            Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:47:58 UTC from web
                                                            1. @nerthos I know.

                                                              Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:50:19 UTC from web
                                      2. @fuzzypony No; you'd all be gone if I were a mod. Either I ban you or you leave on your own accord after dealing with my low tolerance.

                                        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:31:20 UTC from web
                                        1. @awlderpy I wouldn't care.

                                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:32:01 UTC from web
                                          1. @fuzzypony Well of course not; you'd all be gone. Why care for a site that you have no part in.

                                            Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:32:36 UTC from web
                                            1. @awlderpy I don't already.

                                              Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:33:05 UTC from web
                                              1. @fuzzypony You're appealing for people to be more positive around here; you care.

                                                Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:33:30 UTC from web
                                                1. @awlderpy Ha, so let's smack down the people who care with the DARK CONCEQUENCES if we're not negative.

                                                  Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:34:22 UTC from web
                                                  1. @fuzzypony I am negative though.

                                                    Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:36:27 UTC from web
                                                    1. @awlderpy On things that deserve negativity!

                                                      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:37:50 UTC from web
                                                      1. @fuzzypony Lol, that'd include pretty much all of my life right now.

                                                        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:38:55 UTC from web
                                                        1. @awlderpy Well you aren't that negative, so you do something right.

                                                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:39:44 UTC from web
                                                          1. @fuzzypony Oh boy. You just don't hear me irl.

                                                            Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:40:37 UTC from web
                                                            1. @awlderpy This is about the site, foo'

                                                              Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:41:13 UTC from web
                                                              1. @fuzzypony I have nothing negative to say about this place.

                                                                Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:41:51 UTC from web
                                      3. @fuzzypony Awl might be a good mod though

                                        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:31:32 UTC from web
                                        1. @nerthos Of course he would. He's my top choice for mod. He's one of the most honest people on the site.

                                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:33:45 UTC from web
                                      4. @fuzzypony Most of those people will leave when drama begins, which is when mods need to be around. Otherwise I'm sure most of them would be highly considered if not mods already.

                                        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:31:36 UTC from web
                                      5. @fuzzypony Nah. If they were mods, they would be forced to change.

                                        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:32:51 UTC from web
                                        1. @mrmattimation That's very true.

                                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:34:38 UTC from web
                                        2. @mrmattimation Neh, you'd just see how intolerant I really am.

                                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:35:06 UTC from web
                                        3. @mrmattimation this is true. I would change if I were a mod, but hopefully only for the better. It's hard being a mod.

                                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:36:37 UTC from web
                                    2. @mrmattimation I got mentioned. *blushes*

                                      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:31:39 UTC from web
                                2. @fuzzypony I think if anything that you're overanalyzing it. There's always people who're going to stick out and ruin things for others. It's just how people work.

                                  Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:26:51 UTC from web
                                  1. @flamingpandaomg But that's not how this started. I ask people not to be so negative.

                                    Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:28:04 UTC from web
                                    1. @fuzzypony Most of the time people aren't even being negative, they're being realistic. There's a huge difference.

                                      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:28:57 UTC from web
                    3. @fuzzypony

                      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:20:04 UTC from web
                      1. @nerthos Am I really that negative?

                        Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:22:44 UTC from web
                        1. @fuzzypony No, you're not. He's just saying that Mushi's the only one who I've never seen being negative, ever.

                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:23:32 UTC from web
                        2. @fuzzypony Nah, not really. What that post means is that there's like only one or two people who won't get involved in crap.

                          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:23:48 UTC from web
        2. @fuzzypony I'll be honest here. I've been on both sides and I know there's times when the only way to moderate is going gunslinger sheriff on everyone.

          Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:13:12 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos Absolutely.

            Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:14:42 UTC from web
    4. @randomwonderbolt I'm very glad you're trying, it's more than some people

      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:23:55 UTC from web
    5. @vt3c If you haven't been banned, you haven't misbehaved. Easy as

      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:25:27 UTC from web
    6. @vt3c Brendan, you are one of the kindest, most love able people on the Rainbow Dash Network. So don't worry about it. Keep being you and you're good in my book.

      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:25:57 UTC from web
    7. @randomwonderbolt I think that day would be celebrated the world over

      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:26:41 UTC from web
    8. @vt3c You're one of the only people who don't even start things. Keep on keeping on.

      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:28:44 UTC from web
    9. @vt3c I guess so/

      Thursday, 17-Oct-13 02:29:23 UTC from web