Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)


    I should keep an eye on that one. Heck I might even order just exactly that should I ever find myself in a woodworking classroom or similar.

    Wednesday, 14-Jun-17 12:37:13 UTC from web
  2. I just lost about 90% of all my active brain cells due to watching . But it is ohkay, they will regenerate. In the very least I hope @mushi will be able to tell me that that one guy won't be able to poop correctly for a week or so due to him putting quite a lot of gallium in his mouth.

    Sunday, 11-Jun-17 17:29:30 UTC from web in context
  3. Well this comic is 100% ready for abuse. I just need to crop something equally abhorrent in the last pane.

    Monday, 22-May-17 21:38:32 UTC from web in context

    Tuesday, 21-Mar-17 11:37:11 UTC from web
  5. So I have been playing this For Honor open beta for a while now. And I can honestly say that I like it. However if you thought that Overwatch had a bad price-to-game ratio then you are going to **scream** it for For Honor. I will NOT be getting it unless the marketing model changes drasticly. Check out For Honor yourself and make up your own mind

    Friday, 10-Feb-17 20:47:06 UTC from web
  6. @critialcloudkicker ... There we go, be sure to read the Windows and SteamOS+Linux system requirements aswell

    Friday, 10-Feb-17 14:36:00 UTC from web in context
  7. **dies of laughter** ... Oh I need to know what game that is man, that laugh was probably worth the purchase of his game

    Friday, 10-Feb-17 14:22:17 UTC from web in context
  8. Hah, them shoulder joints placed like that makes em look like boobs. I wonder if @thelastgherkin will have something entertaining to say about them :+

    Monday, 06-Feb-17 15:45:42 UTC from web in context
  9. ... why would anyone buy this when emulation is a thing ? I mean I could attach my N64 and spend some time to get it working, then be dissapointed my saves are gone, or I could spend less time downloading an emulator, or I could spend no time and just paying 10 bucks... Hmm...

    Sunday, 05-Feb-17 12:53:00 UTC from web in context
  10. @mushi That is not why we love PC gaming. We love PC gaming because the sky is the limit. You'll never see something like this ofr the PS4 ... ( might actually be a good thing come to think of it )

    Sunday, 05-Feb-17 00:29:14 UTC from web in context
  11. Though I did enjoy that I do not know what is scarier, that a movie like this would never make it past the rating board in 2017 or the robotic voice that keeps telling me the approximation of injuries

    Friday, 03-Feb-17 09:22:43 UTC from web
  12. I wonder if that is real ( probably not )

    Friday, 03-Feb-17 09:02:15 UTC from web in context
  13. @mushi If it is the Year of the Rooster one that was recently added it goes Gõng xǐ fā cái! and it means something like "may you have a prosperous New Year". Otherwise you might find it here :

    Sunday, 29-Jan-17 01:21:34 UTC from web in context
  14. One of my buddies just passed this to me along with the message "well, that failed. Got any idea's ?"

    Saturday, 28-Jan-17 19:40:59 UTC from web
  15. @tijagi Yeah, I know. That is why I do not drink it. Also pretty sure something like this will happen to those who drink it. . Only with a cheese-wire.

    Saturday, 28-Jan-17 18:29:43 UTC from web in context
  16. Is this the end of Hitman ?

    Saturday, 28-Jan-17 13:27:49 UTC from web in context
  17. Today I learned that the cell phone exploded in Law Abiding Citizen. I always thought that the protagonist/antagonist hid a gun somewhere aimed at where the judge would be when she answered her phone.

    Wednesday, 25-Jan-17 20:20:22 UTC from web
  18. @tiffany And now I have to murder the monstrosity that now lives in my head with approx 10 hours of this

    Wednesday, 25-Jan-17 16:10:31 UTC from web in context
  19. One of my Star Warsy friends discovered the internet it seems for this was just passed to me.

    Tuesday, 24-Jan-17 10:33:30 UTC from web
  20. @thelastgherkin

    Sunday, 22-Jan-17 22:34:05 UTC from web in context
  21. @margo @nerthos Why am I reminded of ? *watches it* ... Ohyeah, that is why

    Sunday, 22-Jan-17 21:34:22 UTC from web in context
  22. No fair, I want to buy to replace my current mouse but it does not ship outside of the continent of America it seems :(

    Saturday, 21-Jan-17 00:16:02 UTC from web
  23. @thelastgherkin I only wish

    Monday, 16-Jan-17 15:51:07 UTC from web in context
  24. ... Possibly the best thing I have gotten stuck in my head all year.

    Saturday, 14-Jan-17 13:49:25 UTC from web
  25. @thelastgherkin **brainfart**

    Saturday, 14-Jan-17 12:07:04 UTC from web in context
  26. Since Tribes : Ascend can be considered dead in the water for all intents and purposes with all the blatant hacking going on. I find myself TERRIBLY excited for this game called Midair.

    Thursday, 12-Jan-17 13:46:08 UTC from web
  27. @thelastgherkin I just started in Rebel Galaxy. I guess I will not be a space-pirate then.

    I probably could not stomach downing a colony starter ship just so me and/or my buddies could sell their cargo's of aphrodisiacs for WAY more anyway

    Friday, 06-Jan-17 11:03:03 UTC from web in context
  28. This just started getting thrown around on some of my chat-groups. And I LOVE it

    Tuesday, 03-Jan-17 23:33:18 UTC from web
  29. @thelastgherkin ... Wait why would an ancient Decepticon ship, the Nemesis no less ( ) have Predacon script on one of the hull/wingplates descriptive of a BBC show ? ... I guess when breaking the 4th wall...

    Saturday, 01-Oct-16 18:07:22 UTC from web in context
  30. ... So... What does this say ?

    Saturday, 01-Oct-16 14:40:47 UTC from web in context