wollffeey subscribers

These are the people who listen to wollffeey's notices.

  • Ian Trent eeuhln Ian Trent St. Petersburg, FL

    I recently moved to St. Petersburg and don't have many friends here yet. I'm a nice, outgoing sort of brony and am working on a Daring Do related OC project with a few of my friends form Orlando (where I lived before).

  • Corey W. Williams coreywwilliams Corey W. Williams Virginia http://coreywwilliams.wordpress.com/

    Hello, I’m a 21 year old male. I’m an aspiring writer currently trying to get published. I used to only write fanfiction, then moved on to original work, then watching this show got me writing fanfiction on the side once again. In my real job, I work as a computer repair technician and in my spare time I enjoy reading fantasy and horror novels.

  • Danneh Oaks danneh Danneh Oaks Brisbane, Australia

    Graphic designer, IT student, music guy, programmer, etc

  • derps derps
  • Heidi Rae Hosmer princessgryph Heidi Rae Hosmer Orlando, FL http://gryphyn-bloodheart.deviantart.com/

    Custom pony maker, toy salesperson, writer, Twilight fanatic

  • John dashidash John Le Tampa florida

    27 year old Brony Living with his Fluttershy Girlfriend Wollffeey.. Eyup.

  • Jonathan Conrad fnordly Jonathan Conrad Knoxville, Tennessee, USA http://facebook.com/FNORDLY

    Born on the 16th of October, 1975. Energetic and outdoorsy. Programming at 7 years of age. RPGing on-line in 1993. IRCing in the final hours of 1999 and first few of the new millennium. Roofing. Electrical work. Shovels, tractors, concrete, recreational surfaces. Etc. Puppetry. Tae-Kwon-Do. Little school. Blah, blah, blah... Watched "My Little Pony" for the first time a few hours ago. Friendship *is* magic! I will probably not sleep until my free, open-source Brony Tripcode Generator for Windows is complete. (See http://4chan.org/b/ where "b" is for pony!)

  • tenure tenure Largo, FL

    Not much to say here. I'm an unemployed college student trying to recover from a failed business venture. I write, I read and I spend far too much time online.