hello (asdfg)

  1. I have just read a post on a forum that says "It would take $60 million to solve the situation in Somalia, and the Church has spent $50 million on the Pope's visit to Madrid. I have just found that i dont really care about what happens to Africa, or what happens to any person that I don't know. In fact, the death of my cat would make me sadder than the death of 1 million people i dont know. Is this bad, or just normal and the rest of the people just pretend liek they care?

    Saturday, 06-Aug-11 11:46:43 UTC from web in context
  2. http://alfa995.deviantart.com/art/Twilight-s-black-hole-diagram-242941566?q=gallery%3Aalfa995%2F12345106&qo=7

    Thursday, 04-Aug-11 12:04:48 UTC from web in context

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