Notices by Hans van Hörten (blots), page 4

  1. bacon bacon bacon bacon

    Wednesday, 02-May-12 03:42:51 UTC from web in context
  2. I raged today when I got home, over something that didn't even happen to me, or this year... basically a story of TSA asshattery on a podcast. what if that happens when I'm not alone?

    Tuesday, 01-May-12 00:50:28 UTC from web
  3. out of bed go to work please

    Monday, 30-Apr-12 14:58:31 UTC from web
  4. I have another movie-centric memetic idea: Pony Science Theater 3000. i'll let someone else flesh it out though.

    Monday, 30-Apr-12 03:49:58 UTC from web
  5. @noirbatch -- prop bag includes a condom? funny, in my town it includes stale toast that you're warned not to eat.

    Monday, 30-Apr-12 03:49:06 UTC from web in context
  6. @noirbatch Rocky Horror seems like a meeting place for all counterculture types, and bronydom does seem like a counterculture to me. it's happening at least once a month in every major city in the world. Even smaller towns probably have it on Halloween.

    Monday, 30-Apr-12 03:22:36 UTC from web in context
  7. oldschool CRT TV lol

    Monday, 30-Apr-12 03:20:35 UTC from web
  8. any of you all ever attend the rocky horror picture show in your locality?

    Monday, 30-Apr-12 03:04:16 UTC from web in context
  9. Serious times call for serious naps.

    Friday, 27-Apr-12 02:27:15 UTC from web
  10. i have nothing planned for today.

    Sunday, 22-Apr-12 15:41:15 UTC from web in context
  11. get out of bed, blots. even fluttershy can get out of bed every morning.

    Sunday, 15-Apr-12 16:15:41 UTC from web
  12. I'll follow up on my sugar binge by not brushing my teeth tonight, or cleaning the coconut dust off the counter...

    Friday, 13-Apr-12 05:13:15 UTC from web
  13. ok, i thought i wasn't into the fandom but i have pony on the brain. but i can't bring myself to watch another episode because that theme song is the cheesiest thing ever. why does it have lyrics?

    Monday, 09-Apr-12 06:49:29 UTC from web
  14. hai guise. anyone else hear the latest Walking the Room podcast? it's all about US! </slowpoke>

    Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 05:34:02 UTC from web
  15. anyone heard from porkslope?

    Saturday, 24-Mar-12 02:45:47 UTC from web in context
  16. Ponies aren't sexy. But Future Twilight sure is trying.

    Monday, 12-Mar-12 01:21:06 UTC from web
  17. depression is problematic. I'm freaking out over the tiniest things now...

    Friday, 09-Mar-12 03:05:54 UTC from web in context
  18. To be honest, I go here to tweet things I don't want to attach to my real twitter account because I don't want that stuff known by real life friends... not stuff I'm ashamed of, but stuff that might too easily indicate to potential mates that I'm too beta to date. I just put it in a memory hole. Somehow this seems like the place because the fandom is a soothing one.

    Thursday, 08-Mar-12 01:47:08 UTC from web
  19. i still haven't watched more than like ten episodes. I seem to have a weird depression over me that makes it hard for me to start a thing even as simple as watching TV. i have had a netflix DVD out for a month too. and yet I'm exercising and working. hmm. maybe I don't like tv anymore.

    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 04:00:39 UTC from web in context
  20. I think I goofed up at work. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow morning. Even if I don't get fired, I feel a loss of honor when I screw up.

    Wednesday, 29-Feb-12 05:25:58 UTC from web
  21. I wish I could socialize without drinking.

    Thursday, 23-Feb-12 02:24:14 UTC from web
  22. i'm full of derp today

    Wednesday, 22-Feb-12 22:00:28 UTC from web
  23. i'm not "out" but a recent houseguest was. and, I think he was a little too proud of the fact that he's watching a show for little girls, like a college student would cash in on the obscurity of the bands he likes.

    Sunday, 19-Feb-12 06:24:50 UTC from web
  24. I ate the rest of my salmon. I don't like spending money, but I find that when I buy expensive food that spoils quickly, it stops me from lazying out and ordering a pizza.

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 02:04:57 UTC from web in context
  25. rage rage rage. raaaaaaaage. i'm going to eat fish now.

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 01:33:56 UTC from web in context
  26. social news rage

    Friday, 17-Feb-12 19:54:07 UTC from web
  27. so I saw an ink-toner refill place at school that was the colors of Rainbow Dash: mainly sky blue and a rainbow in it. I thought it was a coincidence. then I remembered, oh yeah, SKY blue. I get it. Mind blown, whatever.

    Friday, 17-Feb-12 05:34:32 UTC from web
  28. So there's this, which is brony-microblogging, and that IM site in the sidebar... what other brony replacements for popular websites are floating around?

    Friday, 17-Feb-12 04:53:33 UTC from web
  29. anyone have any experience with blog talk radio?

    Friday, 17-Feb-12 02:44:03 UTC from web
  30. i'm going nuts over here.

    Monday, 13-Feb-12 00:10:08 UTC from web in context

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