cloudstriker's home timeline


  1. @mrdragon Hmmm... now that you are no longer enslaved, how do you plan to spend your days?

    Monday, 27-Feb-12 11:38:02 UTC from web
  2. And done with Brony Survey 2. It only took me 40 minutes. XD

    Monday, 27-Feb-12 13:05:19 UTC from web
    • HAHA WHO NEEDS SCHOOL also where is everyone.

      Monday, 27-Feb-12 11:50:16 UTC from web
    • @mrdragon Well, here we are, still surviving today. :)

      Saturday, 25-Feb-12 14:52:55 UTC from web
    • @mrdragon Good morning sir (afternoon for you)

      Saturday, 25-Feb-12 14:32:40 UTC from web
    • @mrdragon And I'm home.

      Friday, 24-Feb-12 20:03:36 UTC from web
    • @mrdragon I'm feeling very confident. I'm the second chair out of the 5 cellists we have.

      Friday, 24-Feb-12 19:44:10 UTC from web
    • @lightningcrash How was your birthday?

      Friday, 24-Feb-12 19:44:43 UTC from web
    • How old is everypony? im 15 myself xD

      Friday, 24-Feb-12 19:32:49 UTC from web
    • @mrdragon Oh right. I've got a contest tonight for orchestra. Playin Allegro in D, Deep River, and Escape the Lost City as our three pieces to be judged on.

      Friday, 24-Feb-12 19:39:09 UTC from web
    • @mrdragon 30 til I'm home. 2 hours until I leave again for a contest.

      Friday, 24-Feb-12 19:35:18 UTC from web
    • @mrdragon Soon it is.

      Friday, 24-Feb-12 19:29:02 UTC from web
    • @mrdragon I'm back. You doin okay?

      Friday, 24-Feb-12 18:40:22 UTC from web
    • I don't know what I would do without this place.. its more addictive then alcohol and better for you.

      Friday, 24-Feb-12 17:31:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • @ponyray He needs it. Give him a big hug from me when you find him. :)

      Friday, 24-Feb-12 17:24:22 UTC from web
    • @mrdragon Her concern was never about the monetary loss or the totaled car. It was just thoughts of 'Are you okay?' I think that's how it applies here. If you just come straight out to Tavi and be completely honest, she'll understand. She'll be worried about your safety now, not hold a grudge for you trying to keep her from sharing pain.

      Friday, 24-Feb-12 17:11:55 UTC from web
    • @mrdragon Well, last year when I crashed my car, I had to walk into church and pull my mom out to the ambulance and tell her everything that happened.

      Friday, 24-Feb-12 17:09:28 UTC from web
      • @mrdragon Actually, I don't think so. I have a story I could tell you, if you want.

        Friday, 24-Feb-12 17:06:54 UTC from web
      • @mrdragon That's most of 5 hours that I'll be with you then.

        Friday, 24-Feb-12 16:56:56 UTC from web
      • @ponyray The U.S. Sry, mate.

        Friday, 24-Feb-12 16:59:52 UTC from web
        • @mrdragon Good. Just busy work in government today. I'm here for you. :)

          Friday, 24-Feb-12 16:51:09 UTC from web
        • *updated avatar because I made some mistakes*

          Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 23:39:18 UTC from web
        • @hoit21 Heh, I'm not being very creative either. Just doing some survey thing I found through EqD and listening to Irish folk music. :3

          Friday, 24-Feb-12 15:37:34 UTC from web
        • @mrdragon Lol. My little city isn't that great really. Too many hooligans runnin round.

          Thursday, 23-Feb-12 20:12:30 UTC from web
        • Just gonna hop off for a bit until I get home. See everypony later.

          Thursday, 23-Feb-12 20:13:29 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        • @mrdragon I see... Don't come to Hamilton! I'm not here!

          Thursday, 23-Feb-12 20:09:43 UTC from web
        • @mrdragon How's home life then?

          Thursday, 23-Feb-12 20:00:58 UTC from web
        • @mrdragon No wonder that life sized plushie of me always looks a little... ruffled.

          Thursday, 23-Feb-12 19:52:55 UTC from web
        • @mrdragon Aye aye captain. But until then, you've got me to yourself. ;)

          Thursday, 23-Feb-12 19:41:58 UTC from web
        • @mrdragon I heard you needed some lovin, so # I'm going home right now to decide if I'll play cello or build a tank in my free time.

          Thursday, 23-Feb-12 19:38:42 UTC from web