Notices by Taylor (conjure), page 3

  1. @thetundraterror that is adorable

    Saturday, 22-Oct-11 04:14:16 UTC from web in context
  2. @thetundraterror bring it tomorrow

    Saturday, 22-Oct-11 02:41:49 UTC from web in context
  3. @thetundraterror with

    Saturday, 22-Oct-11 02:39:02 UTC from web in context
  4. @thetundraterror medium should be good thanks

    Saturday, 22-Oct-11 02:35:40 UTC from web in context
  5. @thetundraterror sounds good to me

    Saturday, 22-Oct-11 00:28:54 UTC from web in context
  6. @moneybags yes you can. i am going to pick you up between 12 and 2 ok?

    Saturday, 22-Oct-11 00:27:42 UTC from web in context
  7. @thetundraterror awesome

    Saturday, 15-Oct-11 05:11:58 UTC from web in context
  8. @thetundraterror as long as its under 100 sounds good to me.

    Friday, 14-Oct-11 22:44:53 UTC from web in context
  9. @moneybags looking good. i like it so far. and btw its a her not him.

    Tuesday, 11-Oct-11 22:04:06 UTC from web in context
  10. @moneybags awesome thanks. and here is the pic for my oc:

    Sunday, 09-Oct-11 17:21:42 UTC from web in context
  11. @ikasamabrony !calgarybronies @vanillabelle hey talked to @darcyblue a little while ago about all this and i have an alternative plan for otafest. instead of geting a table at artists alley i thought that instead we should get a room. we talked about this a while ago about getting a room for just pony and promote the group so we can also maybe have a place in the back or upfront where we can sell stuff, two birds one stone kinda thing. i dont know how much it would cost or anything other details but its an idea. unfortunately i am i bit tight on money right now what with me saving for a house and having to go back to school in the new year but i will donate what i can.

    Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 22:00:58 UTC from web in context
  12. !calgarybronies hey again everypony just got an email saying pony pin preorders are open. go get yourselves some pins! :

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:35:01 UTC from web
  13. @puzzlemint happy birthday

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:23:27 UTC from web
  14. !calgarybronies hey guys i got the vids of the live show up on youtube. have a look:

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:05:48 UTC from web
  15. @thetundraterror btw how is my cutie mark coming along? i need it this weekend so i can put it on my costume or find alternatives if you cant get it to me.

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 01:30:07 UTC from web in context
  16. @thetundraterror i am uploading the vidoes now and you know what? for some reason i can now upload vids longer then 15 mins. dont know how or why but appearently i can.

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 01:28:05 UTC from web in context
  17. @moneybags hay thought i should let you know i am going to pick you up around 11, ok?

    Sunday, 02-Oct-11 08:19:00 UTC from web
  18. !calgarybronies also a little notice from @darcyblue he wants to know who has allergies here. if you have an allergy please send him a little note as to what you are allergic to please. thanks

    Thursday, 29-Sep-11 22:04:01 UTC from web
  19. @yodelerty !calgarybronies @ikasamabrony i has 2 seatsleft for you two. do you want them?

    Thursday, 29-Sep-11 22:02:17 UTC from web in context
  20. @moneybags normal ground mail

    Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 21:50:32 UTC from web in context
  21. @moneybags the customs i get come from a few people. my octavia luna nm and derpy came from lady draconic. you can find her on da, she lives in england and shipping costs about 7 dollars

    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 21:54:23 UTC from web in context
  22. @moneybags !Calgarybronies alright, with you i now have atleast 2 people.

    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 00:25:54 UTC from web in context
  23. @vanillabelle !calgary i am going! i will probably be there early and @phoenixswift will probably be with me. @yodelerty if you get the day off i will give you a lift same with anyone else who wants to go and wants a ride. the mall is in the very north of the city so it may take a while to get to by bus from the south but i only have four seats so first come first serve. @frameratepony hey welcome back i guess, the meetup is saturday every two weeks at the sentry box at 5 pm next meet is on the 8th of october there is more info on the blog. @lifegospel you can post the vids if you want, i would wouldnt mind seeing them. i already posted mine so you should too.

    Monday, 26-Sep-11 22:10:30 UTC from web
  24. !calgarybronies just got the vids up on youtube of the crazyness of last night when we had a visit from chongo the drawfriend. check it out:

    Sunday, 25-Sep-11 19:48:41 UTC from web
  25. !calgarybronies hey just got back from the bar. dont worry about going home early or not coming it ok, all we did was have a couple of drinks and talk a little. didnt go to the unicorn though as @puzzlemint said. no offence @vanillabelle but when we actually went down there we found out it was a bad idea. the name seems to fit us perfectly but we couldnt find an parking space and it didnt look like a place that would suit us and driving downtown is hell, never again, never again. we ended up going to a bar near my place and it was ok until we went to pay and the bar girl started acting like a complete apples. so overall good meetup, good company but bad bars. hopefully we can maybe find a place thats good that we all can get to and do this again, the bar idea was a good one just need to find the right place. @vanillabelle @autumnfrost @lifegospel hope you guys start feeling better.

    Sunday, 25-Sep-11 05:06:07 UTC from web
  26. @lifegospel !calgarybronies yes it is supposed to start at 5, but we usually just hang around and talk until the store closes at 6 before we set everything up.

    Saturday, 24-Sep-11 04:21:06 UTC from web in context
  27. @vanillabelle !calgarybronies the meetup is starting at the normal time of 5 and it will be ending at 8. i suggested we go to the unicorn afterward but no one answered except tuntraterror.

    Saturday, 24-Sep-11 03:52:58 UTC from web in context
  28. @thetundraterror thats ok

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 00:52:19 UTC from web in context
  29. !calgarybronies hey guys i just talked to darcy to confirm if we will be able to use the room at the sentry box for the hallows eve meetup on the 29th of october and it turns out we cant. so the hallowseve meetup up will be done the week before on the 22 of october. also pinfilly (the person that made the pins on my hat) says that she will most likely be doing more preorders at then end of september.

    Friday, 23-Sep-11 00:50:26 UTC from web
  30. !calgarybronies hey guys i have an announcement/idea for this weekend. i was talking to darcy today and, as some of you know, he is making the meetup a short one this weekend due to other plans of his. he says he will have to leave around 8 and since he has the key we cant stay at sentry box, so i had an idea. since it will be short and we are already pretty much downtown why dont we move the meetup to the unicorn bar, that several people have mentioned, for a couple of drinks and maybe hours after darcy goes? i know that the underage portion wont be able to join, so tell me what you think of the idea or suggest other ideas if you have any.

    Thursday, 22-Sep-11 00:34:45 UTC from web in context