Born in the small town on the island known as Comox. I am a pony with great ambition and a iron will to go in life where I want to go. Currently I am working on building my 3D design skills so i can get into SAIT. But in the mean time there are plenty of trades ponies leaving the industry so I might as well secure a nice paycheck in the Sheet Metal Industry. After all i already have 120 hours towards my apprenticeship. BROHOOF! /)(\
More details...Brandon Egnell (whirlsquirrel)
@joseph i live in the SW too. so the closest place may be the sentry box. or one of our houses.
@joseph perfect then lets meet somewhere and play. i'm in the same boat as you for knowing how to play.
also just throwing this out there but anyone into Super Dungeon Explore
Sunday, 10-Jul-16 05:14:30 UTC from web -
@joseph do you have cards???
anyone want to get together for some MLP CCG games???
!calgary Oh snap found me some RD stff this weekend. Its all pretty sick, but it was the last of the last that they said they were gonna order in :( but you never really know. Can't wait for that meet next saturday.
Monday, 19-Aug-13 14:04:38 UTC from web -
@noir @darcyblue !calgary Awesome! Can't freaking wait to come back to the meet ups again. And soon ill be able to drive there so I won't have to miss meetups anymore for being on the other side of this freaking city.
Friday, 16-Aug-13 21:17:37 UTC from web -
HELLO !calgarybronies !!!!! I have REDISCOVERED this! :D I had lost all my tabs one day, 2 years ago. And forgot all about this :( But here i am :D Just wanted to know the date of the next meetup and to tell @darcyblue that you are an amazing person and that if you ever need something, feel free to ask me. For i have been corrupted by people that show no respect to others and what they do for people. And i do not wish to become that person again.
@minti 20$ each.
Saturday, 01-Sep-12 03:38:34 UTC from web
!etownstables !bcbronies !Calgary Hey all thought i might throw this up. Its a binder filled with all the MLP cards plus signatures from ALOT of the voice actors. Put up a bid if you want it. It saves you ALOT of money doing it yourself. ALl the work is done. http://derpy.me/6tDw6
Saturday, 01-Sep-12 03:37:29 UTC from web -
@redenchilada You may not have proper ports open. And or your port for skype is set to the same port that is required by your slandered ISP.
If i made this a sweater. Could you dig it? http://derpy.me/8z6vx
Thursday, 23-Aug-12 07:08:40 UTC from web -
@pony Yes patience is a virtue. Soon, soon the world will face a zombie apocalypse. And i shall be ready. And i shall wait for it. Cause nothing could be better.
Tuesday, 21-Aug-12 06:29:09 UTC from web -
@pony Hey at least education is free, and we are all taken care of medically here. So just a matter of time to get my money from the government to go to school, or speed the process with the money.
@stumpy Nah man you got that all wrong. I dont be lookin cool. One NEVER looks cool in pony stuff, one always looks like a apples with it. But the art of trolling with it is great. One can always make more money back, but the lolz are something that money can never buy. Like making Andrea Libmen go pale white cause of shed.mov and cupcakes pinkie pie, that was worth more then anything else i ever got in my life. To make a celebrate speechless. But then again, i almost got kicked out for having that sick melting pony face from hot topic. And then my friend had the dieing fetus t-shirt of the guy shooting the priest, but no one talked to him >.>
Tuesday, 21-Aug-12 06:21:16 UTC from web -
@stumpy When? Where? And how would you like it? My prefered option in getting ride of folks is Death by Zombie Pit. But its up to you.
@abigchichipomodoro I had bought ALOT of my stuff and all the fabric and material for custumes and such, and the sewing machine before the convention. And then i got a about 3 days before the convention that my mother refuses to sign on my student loans. So I cant go to school for 2 years now or i get enough money to pay for myself. Whatever comes first. But i have SO much awesome swag from the convention. But I would rather go get myself an education then have swag. Cause having my dream career is 100x's more important to me.
@mintisucks So you think me spending that much money on this is "sad" ? Cause in all honesty I have now 3 new skills after doing this. Navigation of the 'MERICA, targeting sales, and sewing. Cause if you do not notice, bronies got some money to burn. And i have a school that now needs to be funded from my pocket. So one doesn't need to waste money. Plus meeting all my friends i talk to over skype was worth every penny. No matter what someone says, when you make good friends over the internet and have the chance to meet them. Take it. Cause 99% of the time those people are pretty awesome in person too.
@mintisucks Whats sad? Elaborate please.
@darcyblue Gotta make money back after spending 4'gs on that convention.
@redenchilada Considering it cost me about 1,000$ im TRYING to make some of my money back. Cause the SWAG from the convention is what everyone enjoys. I just wanted to be there and see all the panels.
Tuesday, 21-Aug-12 05:04:37 UTC from web -
@redenchilada @stumpy The money from this (http://derpy.me/LUPCX) Is all going to bringing my friend again with me to the next everfree NW.
@stumpy I have a derpy with all 15 sigs from that convetion too. Plan to put that up in a month for 2g's
!calgary Yo, i have 5 left for sale if anyone is interested. http://derpy.me/LUPCX
!etownstables Yo, i have 5 left for sale if anyone is interested. http://derpy.me/LUPCX
Tuesday, 21-Aug-12 04:36:32 UTC from web -
!bcbronies Yo, i have 5 left for sale. http://derpy.me/LUPCX
Tuesday, 21-Aug-12 04:35:20 UTC from web -