Notices by Taylor (conjure), page 5

  1. @moneybags i am sorry but your too late, i am all filled up. with the bbq all the way on the other side of the city everyone seems to be wanting me for a ride. this is when i wish i had a bigger vehicle.

    Wednesday, 07-Sep-11 21:53:30 UTC from web in context
  2. @lonehowler ya its an awesome comic. i am watching dreatos on da and saw it when he posted it. it is still a wip though, i hope it gets coloured.

    Saturday, 03-Sep-11 21:59:13 UTC from web
  3. @vanillabelle !calgarybronies filled out my portion of the google doc. i will also be gotting two or three camping chairs tomorrow incase we need more seating.

    Saturday, 03-Sep-11 05:05:31 UTC from web
  4. @puzzlemint cheers! see you friday.

    Friday, 02-Sep-11 23:56:11 UTC from web
  5. @puzzlemint i know where country hills is. i could give you a lift home. i have to take my brother out to airdrie so it will be on my way. i plan on leaving the bbq between 9:30 to 10 at the lateset. is that ok with you?

    Friday, 02-Sep-11 23:50:10 UTC from web in context
  6. @puzzlemint hey what part of the city do you live in? i have the day off and i am offering rides to the bbq so i may be able to give you a lift. i am already giving yodelerty a ride.

    Friday, 02-Sep-11 23:07:19 UTC from web in context
  7. @darcyblue !calgarybronies aw and here i was about to spam you with octavia. anyways i will look through my massive background folder, i know i have a few everypony pics (more then mane 6) and i am sure i have some mane six stuff too. @yodelerty will do and yes i do have your number, still havent decided if i am going to go shopping before or after i pick you guys up so we may be going to the grocery store before we go to bowness.

    Tuesday, 30-Aug-11 23:34:20 UTC from web
  8. @vanillabelle !calgarybronies you see this is why we have given the nickname of derpy to @phoenixswift he is always doing stuff like that. as for the bbq i have the day off so i will be heading down there with @neonlightning and @yodelerty around 2 pm to avoid rush hour. i will send an email your way along with my shopping list so just tell me what i should and should not bring. also i have obtained a cooler so we will finally be able to have cold drinks atleast for one weekend. any drink requests?

    Monday, 29-Aug-11 22:00:53 UTC from web in context
  9. @darcyblue i have seen these before. thanks for the links i will add them.

    Sunday, 28-Aug-11 23:43:46 UTC from web
  10. !calgarybronies hey just got one more person to come to the bbq on the 9th. my little bro also known as @neonlightning is coming with me.

    Sunday, 28-Aug-11 21:22:30 UTC from web in context
  11. !calgarybronies hey guys check this out. ok so mark, the head guy for the 404s (calgary based comedy goup commonly seen at otafest and CCEE), is appearently a really big brony and made this vid check it out

    Sunday, 28-Aug-11 18:18:42 UTC from web in context
  12. @nightwillow every meet up needs singing bronies

    Sunday, 28-Aug-11 16:45:33 UTC from web
  13. !calgarybronies ok guys just got done uploading our newest sing along vids. chaeck them out a look at the other two from meeting 3 if you havent seen them:

    Sunday, 28-Aug-11 06:27:51 UTC from web in context
  14. @autumnfrost !calgarybronies i third this idea, although i probably wont drink much if at all. bars are too expensive and dont sell the right drink. although where is this unicorn you speak of?

    Saturday, 27-Aug-11 01:29:44 UTC from web in context
  15. @vanillabelle !calgarybronies hahaha yes another has come to know how great octavia is. soon everyone favorite pony will be octavia even you @yodelerty . any ways those are nice songs. i am not a big beatles fan but i am adding these to itunes and my vid list. also darcy got his internet back last night.

    Thursday, 25-Aug-11 21:57:52 UTC from web in context
  16. @starshine thats kinda how it appeared to me and a couple others. i am sorry if we did not understand what you meant.

    Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 22:28:09 UTC from web
  17. @starshine i dont want any problems either. some of us just felt like you could have gone about this in a better way then telling us we cant use our tags when we talk to each other. i have been following your conversation with pheonix and he has it right. we dont want to be offensive and say we dont want to talk its just that most of us are only on this site to stay in touch with our group and plan upcoming events.

    Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 22:22:00 UTC from web in context
  18. !calgarybronies important notice! please read. ok so last night the group and some members were messaged by a certain starshine about the use of our groups tag on the site. these mesages have have raised some concerns among some of the members my self included. i have brought these concerns up with darcyblue earlier today in person and he shares these concerns. due to his current lack of internet access he wants me to tell everyone to just keep posting as we always do. i am sure i dont need to tell you this but if what you are posting is for the group to see put the tag in like we always do and if it is not do not put the tag in. once darcy get his internet back (hopefully tonight) he will be looking into shifting the group and most if not all communication for the group to the blog. if you have any concerns or want to talk with darcy himself his skype address is darthblueafro. he says his skype will be on pretty much all the time after internet is returned. that is all thank you.

    Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 22:03:37 UTC from web in context
  19. @yodelerty !calgarybronies hey have you seen this yodel? you are on eqd appearently, thats cool

    Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 04:16:18 UTC from web in context
  20. @vanillabelle !calgarybronies no problem although i warn you that it might take a while to get them if you are ordering some. i preordered the new set back in like may and they are not being shipped until sept.

    Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 00:17:42 UTC from web
  21. !calgarybronies ok since everypony asks me where i got my awesome pins i always wear on my hat here is a link to the order site if you want to order some. also at darcys request i have the site for the dash drives:

    Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 22:13:09 UTC from web
  22. @vanillabelle !calgarybronies cool. i am making a list right now of all the things i need to get. and i guess @yodelerty and i will both be there early. i cant wait.

    Tuesday, 23-Aug-11 01:48:22 UTC from web
  23. !Calgarybronies just had an idea! since there is going to be a fire pit i will also pick up some wood and we we can roast some marshmallows. i could also pick up some wafers and chocolate if ponies want to make smores. what do you think?

    Monday, 22-Aug-11 22:16:05 UTC from web in context
  24. !Calgarybronies ok first off i talked to darcy today and he is getting internet tomorrow. he is unable to get the 9th off so he cannot come to the bbq. second i have taken the day off on the 9th so if anypony needs a ride from the south i plan to be heading out to bowness around 2 or 3 to avoid rush hour. if you want a lift send me a message. @vanillabelle i need you to let me know what you want me to bring. i have car so i can take some larger stuff that wont go onto bus. i am planning on getting a cooler this weekend so we dont have to drink warm drinks. i can bring food too. also would we like to just cook with charcoal or does anypony have an alternative? cause i will be picking up a bag or two and some lighter fluid. ok i think that is all.

    Monday, 22-Aug-11 22:09:14 UTC from web
  25. @johnmcdowell !calgarybronies @puzzlemint dont worry guys there are atleast three different youtube ponies that will post vids within a week of airing. i will also be getting the best quality vids of each episode that comes out and will be showing them at every meeting as soon as the show starts again.

    Monday, 22-Aug-11 04:29:47 UTC from web in context
  26. !calgarybronies ok so i just watched episodes 5 through 8 of the mentally advanced abridged series and all of you are right, it got much better. still not the best i have seen but definitely worth putting on me revised youtube play list. speaking of which i am still collecting vids and always will be so if you ever come accross a cool vid send me a link.

    Monday, 22-Aug-11 04:26:50 UTC from web
  27. !calgarybronies aha! i now know your plan! its all over now the jig is up! also i just won a custom spit fire on ebay yay!

    Saturday, 20-Aug-11 23:37:29 UTC from web in context
  28. !Calgarybronies @phoenixswift @moneybags ok guys stop posting ebay stuff that i feel the need to buy. now i have to go and try and get that accurate fluttershy. i am running out of money!

    Saturday, 20-Aug-11 20:59:30 UTC from web
  29. @moneybags !calgarybronies that is not one i have seen yet. the ponies i am getting are all comissioned. thanks for the link i might buy her.

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 22:21:29 UTC from web
  30. @yodelerty @phoenixswift @moneybags !calgarybronies hey guys you want a ride? i am free tomorrow and would love to go on more pony hunting trips. and this time i actually need to get pony. i can be there around 5 and wait for all of you to show up. also i will send you an email yodel with me number.

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 22:20:26 UTC from web