

  1. I'm 100% proud to be a Brony /)^3^(\ and tell it to the INTERNET :D

    Sunday, 28-Aug-11 21:40:56 UTC from web
    1. @lyokotravels Get some shirts and tell the WORLD!

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 21:50:05 UTC from web
      1. @gangstashy where can I get some I tried going to hot Topic but they don't have it in the stores =( ( i don't have a credit card & I don't want my Parents to know so it only leads new to buying it in a store with cash $$ )

        Sunday, 28-Aug-11 21:51:31 UTC from web
        1. @lyokotravels Yeeeah, there were some legal issues with the Hot Topic ones. Although, I believe they're being resolved as we speak, so check back later and see if they've got 'em. :) Also, you can buy a Visa Prepaid card in-store and buy things online with that, too!

          Sunday, 28-Aug-11 21:56:05 UTC from web
          1. @gangstashy but I'm under 18 is it legal to get the pre-paid visa card ?

            Sunday, 28-Aug-11 21:57:49 UTC from web
    2. @thatonepony ok thanks for the info , Man I need to do some saving to get myself one .... don't know how long but I will ....

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 22:03:21 UTC from web
      1. @lyokotravels Yes, I'm pretty sure you can if you're under 18. (you can always check online) Protip: Budget about $25~30 per shirt.

        Sunday, 28-Aug-11 22:06:25 UTC from web
      2. @lyokotravels Also, these: ( ( are some pretty good sites to buy stuff. There's a metric crapton more out there, too :)

        Sunday, 28-Aug-11 22:07:50 UTC from web
        1. @gangstashy ok thanks =

          Sunday, 28-Aug-11 22:09:55 UTC from web