

  1. I recently realized that I usually type MLP instead of spelling out the name of the show. It helps me avoid facing the fact that I'm actively participating in a franchise that I previously held on par with Cinderella, the Teletubbies, and unanesthetized surgery. I shall now go reread Cupcakes and pretend I'm not a sixteen year old guy hiding ponies from his parents.

    Sunday, 04-Sep-11 00:56:41 UTC from web
    1. @automicrojuvoequiphiliac

      Sunday, 04-Sep-11 00:57:44 UTC from web
      1. @muttstuffle I envy these people.

        Sunday, 04-Sep-11 01:04:54 UTC from web
    2. @automicrojuvoequiphiliac I usually type/say "MLP" or "Ponies", mostly because "My Little Pony" doesn't roll off the tongue nicely.

      Sunday, 04-Sep-11 00:58:11 UTC from web