

  1. Greetings minions! I have decided to grace you with my EVIL presence, go on now, bow down before me! #

    Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:05:55 UTC from web
    1. @darkcore So, i heard you're like, all big and bad and evil and stuff.

      Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:11:29 UTC from web
      1. @kat Indeed I do, my little minion, thank you for noticing muwaahahahahaha!~

        Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:14:16 UTC from web
        1. @darkcore well, I have some candy right here in plain sight... Just sayin'.

          Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:30:21 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          1. @kat Oooh candy from strangers...DO YOU TAKE ME FOR A FOAL?! Hmph, I'm an evil mastermind, not some foal with a sweet tooth!

            Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:31:43 UTC from web
            1. @darkcore The most brilliant evil masterminds go around announcing the fact that they're evil to the world, don't they?

              Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:33:54 UTC from web
              1. @ponystark That's because they're not as brilliant as me! My evil looms over all! For everypony to see! Muwahahahahahahahaha!

                Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:37:31 UTC from web
                1. @darkcore See that small country over there? It is property of June. I own it. I'm like Doctor Doom, all "Kneel before June!"

                  Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:40:26 UTC from web
                  1. @juneiperjazz That's a speck of tomato sauce on your map *wipes it off*

                    Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:43:11 UTC from web
                    1. @darkcore No, it is Latjunia! It has socialized medicine and awesome clothes straight out of the animes! And pirates! It's a pirate nation.

                      Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:44:58 UTC from web
                      1. @juneiperjazz When I take over the world it shall be torn down, not for any particular reason, just because I don't like you BUWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~

                        Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:47:17 UTC from web
                        1. @darkcore Now you have gone too far. Prepare yourself for I will do everything in my power to prevent you from enacting such horrible deeds.

                          Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:48:54 UTC from web
                          1. @ponystark Have at thee then!

                            Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:50:23 UTC from web
                        2. @darkcore And then I will build it up from the ashes, taking my rightful place as captain of the Equestria Pirates. I will sail a fleet of planets through the galaxy as I conquer the universe with my awesome giant robots with epic, tinted sunglasses. Thanks for that.

                          Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:51:02 UTC from web
            2. @darkcore Oh hey look some water balloons innocently placed on that table over there.

              Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 04:35:05 UTC from StatusNet iPhone