

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @rainbowflash Oh come on now I'm not that awesome.

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:03:41 UTC from web
      1. @bigponymac yes you are.

        Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:04:36 UTC from web
        1. @starshine If you say so. I'm just being myself.

          Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:07:10 UTC from web
          1. @bigponymac And that's why you're so awesome.

            Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:07:46 UTC from web
            1. @starshine Oh you're such the flatterer!

              Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:08:39 UTC from web
    2. @rainbowflash Thanks! I try my best.

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:06:18 UTC from web
    3. @rainbowflash Yes you are! I never put myself above anyone. Everyone's worthy in my book.

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:10:29 UTC from web
    4. @rainbowflash Well, it's still a good mindset to follow. Even if it'll never work in reality.

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:14:58 UTC from web
    5. @rainbowflash Like the whole "love and tolerate" thing the Brony fandom has adopted. Sure you can't love and tolerate everything, but it's an idea that I like to follow.

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:18:12 UTC from web
    6. @rainbowflash I think realistically too, but it doesn't hurt to dream every now and then. I know when to be realistic and when to go outside the box.

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:24:56 UTC from web
      1. @bigponymac Sometimes I act like I'm living in a dream world.

        Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:28:52 UTC from web
        1. @starshine I do that ALL THE TIME. There's always a "what if" scenario playing in my head.

          Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:30:12 UTC from web
    7. @rainbowflash I hate to hear that. :c

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:27:17 UTC from web
    8. @rainbowflash Will do.

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:29:26 UTC from web
    9. @rainbowflash Define "old".

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:30:47 UTC from web
    10. @rainbowflash See I'll think of something, then I get all excited about it. I then get super motivated and start doing what ever it is that will make that dream come true. But then I forget about it and move on to something else.

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 03:35:57 UTC from web