

  1. @redflash I would love to have hardware that nice. However, the reality of being a small business is that we don't.

    Friday, 09-Sep-11 13:00:52 UTC from TTYtter
    1. @ceruleanspark but if it fixes ALL THE PROBLEMS! I kid. Overworked netgear? I rebuilt a whole office buildings network a few years ago that was using only netgear and a bt homehub. The last guy had quite liked pc world :(

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 13:03:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @redflash It was a domestic grade router, but given that all it does is provide a link to the web for our server to get email, I'm surprised it got that hot. Our actual office net access is provided on a separate line, by separate hardware.

        Friday, 09-Sep-11 13:23:04 UTC from web