

  1. This image makes me happy. I think it's the hoodie and her overall look...I've got a thing for hoodies. There seems to be a lot more Vinyl nowadays and they're pretty adorable...she's starting to climb on my list.

    Friday, 09-Sep-11 16:51:33 UTC from web
    1. @communistprime I've given up on a list. About the only thing I can settle on for sure is that I don't like Snips and Snails

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 16:53:28 UTC from web
      1. @eaglehooves I'm starting to think that they MIGHT be a homage to the boy PPG group from the PPG show.

        Friday, 09-Sep-11 16:56:05 UTC from web
        1. @ladestitute I don't think I've heard of them... Maybe that's the issue.

          Friday, 09-Sep-11 16:57:48 UTC from web
          1. @eaglehooves Did ya ever watch Powerpuff Girls? Remember, Snips, Snails and Puppydog Tails? The group of boy superheroes Mojo made

            Friday, 09-Sep-11 16:59:10 UTC from web
            1. @ladestitute *facehoof* That PPG! I'm trying to do about half a dozen things right now, I can't believe that went over my head. For some reason the acronym was completely lost on me.

              Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:02:10 UTC from web
              1. @eaglehooves And I only ever saw a few episodes. My parents kept me away from cable TV as best they could.

                Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:03:37 UTC from web
                1. @eaglehooves wow, that kind of sucks. I have the whole series on DVD, I could lend it to you if you want.

                  Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:07:03 UTC from web
                  1. @starshine Eh, I really didn't mind, I had plenty to do anyways. There's really only a few worthwhile channels out of the hundred or so that they offer. As for the DVDs, I'll pass for now. I'm busy enough at the moment, and I don't have my own TV or DVD player anyways. I could use my laptop, but 14" really isn't too great for TV.

                    Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:11:17 UTC from web
                    1. @eaglehooves I didn't have cable either... I also didn't watch cartoons pretty much at all until I was out of high school.

                      Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:16:47 UTC from web
                      1. @starshine Well, I've been out of the house for about two weeks now, so I'm still catching up on all that kind of stuff.

                        Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:17:53 UTC from web
          2. @eaglehooves @ladestitute the Rowdyruff Boys? Seems like a bit of a stretch, especially as there's only two of them. Also, !ppg

            Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:00:03 UTC from web
            1. @starshine Well, Lauren was also behind PPG as part of the production team so it's not a stretch to say. All the producers need to do is add a Snipped Dogtails pony and there you have it.

              Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:01:35 UTC from web
              1. @ladestitute Of course - but not all things are necessarily homages. Otherwise they'd have had 3 from the start, no? On the other hand the CMC as the Powerpuff Girls is a remarkably good fit.

                Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:04:48 UTC from web
    2. @rotation How's it? I'm on here to kill an hour between classes.

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:10:29 UTC from web