

  1. Eating some Betty Crocker MLP fruit snacks. They may be g3/3.5 (can't really tell) but they taste so good

    Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 04:47:51 UTC from web
    1. @alma Gaaah, I love fruit snacks. :D

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 04:49:03 UTC from web
    2. @mrn4rmn4rm ESPECIALLY DVDs. I'm forced to use the Wii browser to get my pony fix most of the time.

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 04:50:31 UTC from web
    3. @mrn4rmn4rm Not owning an video-capable iPod myself, I wouldn't know. I'm sure somepony here does, though.

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 04:54:09 UTC from web
    4. @mrn4rmn4rm I don't know about the touch series but I know the Video series had av cables. When i was big into anime in high school (I still sort of am, but I've branched back out into other forms of animation now. Japanese animators are still among my favorite though), I would put episodes on my iPod. Since the teacher who hosted my school's club had a projector, I just hooked it up to the projector and we'd watch stuff from there.

      Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 04:54:38 UTC from web