

  1. The vlog I said I would do on yesterday's brony meet up uploaded as I slept. Sadly the video ratings seem to have been hit by the same Anti Brony trolls that fell upon my video that reccomended FiM. :/ But oh well. I know @pinhooves really wanted to see it. @ceruleanspark, @pawnheart and others are in it :P !midlandsbronies

    Sunday, 18-Sep-11 12:00:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @leonkfox I'm the guy in the bright green shirt. Just thought I'd throw that out there !midlands

      Sunday, 18-Sep-11 12:04:42 UTC from web
      1. @flutterguy93 Awesome, thanks for letting me know ^^

        Sunday, 18-Sep-11 12:48:42 UTC from web