

  1. @fluttershy321 sometimes I get sick of proper, Chinese is all about properly and formally speaking and it gets to me, thus I just let my English go sometimes

    Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:08:16 UTC from web
    1. @macpony55 i hate chinese

      Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:11:07 UTC from web
      1. @fluttershy321 為什麼你侮辱我的中國人?中國是真棒,這只是一切都非常關注如何說挑剔。

        Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:12:55 UTC from web
        1. @macpony55 hate. chinese

          Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:14:15 UTC from web
          1. @fluttershy321 eh, it's ok, it was either that or spanish though at my school and I will not take spanish until I have mastered chinese

            Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:16:00 UTC from web
            1. @macpony55 i want to take french

              Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:17:07 UTC from web
              1. @fluttershy321 wait, I though you were?

                Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:24:15 UTC from web
                1. @macpony55 *thought

                  Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:24:30 UTC from web
                2. @macpony55 nope

                  Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:24:44 UTC from web
                  1. @fluttershy321 oh, well you should start then

                    Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:25:12 UTC from web
                    1. @macpony55 maybe

                      Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:25:58 UTC from web
                      1. @fluttershy321 there's tons of stuff online

                        Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:27:55 UTC from web
                      2. @fluttershy321 *sprints from the shadows and shoves a muffin in your mouth* !ninja

                        Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:29:19 UTC from web
                        1. @derpyderp *spits out muffin, back hooves you making your mouth open, spins around and shoves the same muffin back in your mouth (GROSS!)*

                          Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:30:51 UTC from web
        2. @macpony55 i know some of these kanji from my japaneses class. So good in japanese we have hiragana and katakana to help us.

          Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:15:14 UTC from web
    2. @zach121k just a mindless rant

      Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:14:59 UTC from web
    3. @zach121k I have someone who's deaf in a couple of my classes so they have a signer that follows them around, they started a club this year where you can learn but it's on the same day as robotics so I have another Chinese speaking brony going to the meetings and sending me emails about what they learned

      Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:19:10 UTC from web
    4. @zach121k a little late isn't it? I'm In BEST and ROV, BEST just started last weekend and ROV isn't until after Christmas

      Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:23:54 UTC from web
    5. @zach121k I looked, but isn't it still pretty late?

      Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:27:28 UTC from web
    6. @zach121k what time is it?

      Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:33:31 UTC from web
    7. @zach121k ok, just a little confused, our teams usually only stay late the night before the competition

      Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:37:39 UTC from web
    8. @zach121k okie dokie lokie

      Tuesday, 20-Sep-11 02:39:53 UTC from web