


    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:56:33 UTC from web
    1. @xriffmasterx HI PERSON!

      Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:56:50 UTC from web
      1. @fluttershy321 HELO how are you today

        Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:57:49 UTC from web
        1. @xriffmasterx good'z

          Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:00:40 UTC from web
          1. @fluttershy321 How was life today?

            Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:01:37 UTC from web
            1. @xriffmasterx WONDERFUL!!

              Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:01:52 UTC from web
              1. @fluttershy321 How so?

                Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:02:42 UTC from web
                1. @xriffmasterx zach121k was on

                  Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:03:39 UTC from web
                  1. @fluttershy321 he WAS?

                    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:04:55 UTC from web
                    1. @xriffmasterx Yep =D

                      Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:06:54 UTC from web
                      1. @fluttershy321 It's wierd i haven't seen him in a while

                        Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:08:43 UTC from web
          2. @fluttershy321 !xyzzy

            Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:01:46 UTC from web
            1. @macpony55 ??

              Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:02:10 UTC from web
              1. @fluttershy321

                Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:03:10 UTC from web
    2. @xriffmasterx what the !xyzzy ?

      Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:56:56 UTC from web
      1. @macpony55 OH YES

        Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:58:35 UTC from web
        1. @xriffmasterx !xyzzy you too

          Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:59:09 UTC from web
          1. @macpony55 .................................CHUCK TESTA

            Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:00:28 UTC from web
            1. @xriffmasterx what you !xyzzy ing mean?

              Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:01:22 UTC from web
              1. @macpony55 don't call me thing I don't know the meaning of

                Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:03:38 UTC from web
                1. @xriffmasterx *facehoof* should have seen that coming, should have seen that coming

                  Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:06:43 UTC from web
    3. @xriffmasterx Hay there! How's it going?

      Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:57:34 UTC from web
      1. @pinhooves IT'S going GOOD

        Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:58:17 UTC from web
      2. @pinhooves HOw about you

        Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:58:24 UTC from web
        1. @xriffmasterx Busy drawing a Ponysona for a non RDN user.

          Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:01:42 UTC from web
          1. @pinhooves But other than that, I'm doing good.

            Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:01:52 UTC from web
          2. @pinhooves ponysona?

            Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:02:59 UTC from web
            1. @xriffmasterx Pony version of yourself. I've drawn quite a few already and uploaded them onto deviantART. I can send a link if you want to see an example.

              Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:04:53 UTC from web
              1. @pinhooves si

                Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:06:11 UTC from web
                1. @xriffmasterx Here's @herbalgreen's Ponysona.

                  Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:07:13 UTC from web
                  1. @pinhooves PRetty cool

                    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:09:21 UTC from web
                  2. @pinhooves Do you think you can make me one?

                    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:12:07 UTC from web
                    1. @xriffmasterx Currently busy making one for another pony. I could work on yours tomorrow or the next time you're here.

                      Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:13:23 UTC from web
                      1. @pinhooves okay

                        Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 04:14:21 UTC from web