

  1. What a waste of space I am, really.I say that my talent is computers and I'm not even good at those.

    Friday, 30-Sep-11 16:02:00 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @ceruleanspark Sure you are, it's just an off day. I have those all the time, and I'm a software engineer.

      Friday, 30-Sep-11 16:03:09 UTC from web
      1. @jinroh Lolz I wish I had a 20 minute drive to work. XD Ah well it's all cool and the only thing fun thing i'm doing when I finish work is go to bed as I finish at 7 in the morning, lol but once today and Saturday are out of the way, it's just gonna be me, my 3DS & Pokemon. :D

        Friday, 30-Sep-11 16:05:00 UTC from web
        1. @tallbrony91 Sweet I have a 3DS as well. We'll have to get our game on sometime. ^^

          Friday, 30-Sep-11 16:05:34 UTC from web
          1. @jinroh 2 words: GameBoy Colour. Unfortunately I pretty much only had Pokémon Crystal for that, but still, that's my childhood right there.

            Friday, 30-Sep-11 16:07:06 UTC from web
          2. @jinroh Aww dude that is EPIC!!!!! You have to throw me your 3DS friend code sometime man, I would love to give you a game sometime. :D

            Friday, 30-Sep-11 16:17:33 UTC from web
        2. @tallbrony91 @elind85 I love my N64, but my Genesis and NES get more love. xD

          Friday, 30-Sep-11 16:06:00 UTC from web