

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @greydragon412 I'm doing okay. How are you?

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:40:05 UTC from web

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:41:23 UTC from web
    3. @greydragon412 no really dash WILL escape

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:50:00 UTC from web
    4. @greydragon412 well then the person who made it is a sick twisted lunatic

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:56:03 UTC from web
    5. @greydragon412 Your sick

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:58:47 UTC from web
    6. @greydragon412 you want to see rainbow dash get turned into a cupcake?

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 22:59:37 UTC from web
    7. @greydragon412 no

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:00:45 UTC from web
    8. @greydragon412 what gets harvested?

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:02:42 UTC from web
    9. @greydragon412 well since that doesn't really happen in the show i really don't care >=)

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:04:07 UTC from web
    10. @greydragon412 and pinkie pie would never do that so it's a big fat lie

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:05:13 UTC from web
    11. @greydragon412 oh and to be honest that comic scares me, im almost crying

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:05:59 UTC from web
    12. @greydragon412 im crying JUST TO LET YOU KNOW! pinkie pie should at least feel bad about killing dash

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:12:38 UTC from web
    13. @princessfluttershy321 neither does swearing... Just sayin

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:17:01 UTC from web
      1. @madflavors oh like he didn't swear!

        Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:18:32 UTC from web
        1. @princessfluttershy321 doesn't make it okay for you to do either. I'm not mom I can't scold everypony.

          Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:20:09 UTC from web
          1. @madflavors =/ ima hug you because hugs won't die, AND because hugs fix near everything !snuggle !hugs

            Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:21:59 UTC from web
            1. @princessfluttershy321 thanks but I'll never return a hug.

              Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:22:42 UTC from web
              1. @madflavors don't really care !hugs !huggles !hughug !hug !hugs !huggles

                Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:24:44 UTC from web
              2. @madflavors my man

                Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:25:49 UTC from StatusNet Android
    14. @princessfluttershy321 And you need to calm down, it's just a bad fanfic that most folks don't bother reading.

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:17:28 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @colfax i know but it still makes me sad

        Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:18:14 UTC from web
    15. @greydragon412 i take capital letters as screaming, just stop, please, can we change the topic? how was your day? how are you? do anything interesting

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:17:49 UTC from web
    16. @greydragon412 watching tv, feeling sick, eating

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:20:32 UTC from web
    17. @kingmetal hi

      Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 23:22:19 UTC from web