Soon... soon it will be filled with ponies.
Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 12:44:07 UTC from web-
Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 12:44:42 UTC from web
@nerthos Get it filled with Ponies man. xD
Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 12:46:22 UTC from web-
@jinny It will be, my friend, it will be... but if i don't finish the wall first, the creepers will kill my rainbow dash.
Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 12:47:53 UTC from web-
@nerthos Yes, Rainbow Dash must be safe, though I think she would be muy fuerte against those creepers. xD
Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 12:50:41 UTC from web-
@jinny And i've found why i lack wool. I just found two sheeps in a 2x2x3 hole.
Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 12:53:06 UTC from web-
@nerthos Well, at least you have found them. ^^ Just a bit of an annoying they were lost.
Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 12:53:59 UTC from web-
@jinny Nah, 1.8.1 screwed the respawn, so i just use commands to spawn them xD
Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 12:54:57 UTC from web-
@nerthos Ah ok, that's pain. XD
Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 12:55:19 UTC from web