

  1. I think being hungry is making me maudlin, so imma go take care of that.

    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 01:03:46 UTC from web
    1. @tequilasunrise chill out man. Iam a writer myself. Currently trying to get a novel out there. I'll def give it a read. Do you regularly write? and if so what do you normally write?

      Thursday, 06-Oct-11 01:08:11 UTC from web
      1. @redtie No worries. And yes, I do need to chill out! I don't write regularly enough, honestly, but of late when I do it's all been fanfic. I've had some original ideas (mainly furry stuff) but I've managed to get stuck one place or another with most of the more recent ones. The other one I'm kind of working on is Celestia and Luna.

        Thursday, 06-Oct-11 01:15:44 UTC from web
        1. @tequilasunrise tip for getting grapes on paper. 300 words a day typed. Thats just under two paragraphs. DO ONLY 300 a day, even if it seems small and you can go farther. You will be blown away at how much the story will progress.

          Thursday, 06-Oct-11 01:18:26 UTC from web
          1. @redtie Sound advice - I've heard similar stuff before but never quite managed to stick to it. I'm going to write a bit right now. I usually start out longhand so I can't really do word count there, but I'll call it a page or so longhand.

            Thursday, 06-Oct-11 01:29:00 UTC from web
            1. @tequilasunrise same i write on paper then transfer it over to my netbook.

              Thursday, 06-Oct-11 01:32:05 UTC from web
              1. @redtie That's cool. I've got a lot of nifty fountain pens so I like the opportunity to use them, and I feel like my thought process works better on paper, too; with the keyboard I sometimes feel like my brain intermediates less, since I type really quickly.

                Thursday, 06-Oct-11 01:35:40 UTC from web
                1. @tequilasunrise for me its more like i'd get distracted and play games or something. Its alittle too easy to just boot up fallout or minecraft.

                  Thursday, 06-Oct-11 01:37:59 UTC from web
                  1. @redtie Yeah, that too. The Battlefield 3 beta has its hooks in me at the moment. I should get back into Minecraft one of these days.

                    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 01:51:36 UTC from web
                  2. @redtie There, there's 300 words. After that and food I'm feeling quite a bit better. Cheers.

                    Thursday, 06-Oct-11 02:54:15 UTC from web
                    1. @tequilasunrise *brohoof* keep that up and you will be amazed how much you get done in a month.

                      Thursday, 06-Oct-11 02:59:41 UTC from web
                      1. @redtie *brohoof*

                        Thursday, 06-Oct-11 03:01:33 UTC from web
                      2. @redtie I cleaned up some of the stuff from last night but here's that fic link again if you get a few:

                        Friday, 07-Oct-11 01:25:35 UTC from web
          2. @redtie Hmmm I wonder if the same thing can be applied to software development...

            Thursday, 06-Oct-11 04:54:29 UTC from web
            1. @cracky hmm, then it might have to be characters instead of words if you are dealing with code. Whatever gets you doing some of that work every. single. day.

              Thursday, 06-Oct-11 19:58:25 UTC from web
        2. @tequilasunrise and even if its one of those days where you cant think of what to write, just puke out some garbage onto the page. Hell write type pony 300 times if need be. Aslong as you are typing each day, you will help train yourself.

          Thursday, 06-Oct-11 01:22:24 UTC from web
    2. @tequilasunrise P.S. sorry for the long wait. had to do laundry.

      Thursday, 06-Oct-11 01:08:55 UTC from web