

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @rainbowflash I used to be a mod. Dunno what I did to get my powers revoked. I never abused them or anything.

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:23:32 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    2. @rainbowflash wait, how'd you become a mod?

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:24:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    3. @rainbowflash ah.

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:28:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    4. @rainbowflash I think it has something to do with Cabal leaving the fandom. Cause I was IRL friends with him for a while. Sometime after transferring this site to Purple Tinker's control, he got on her bad side for trying to boycott BroNYCon over some trivial bullmangoes and was given a swift boot. I guess after that, she decided to organize the mods on here and dropped me. Oh well.

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:28:45 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    5. @rainbowflash tbh I don't know the whole story, but he was banned from the meetup group AND here.

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:31:10 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    6. @rainbowflash No, Starshine left over purpletinker using RDN to promote her meetup while ignoring everything he tried to get her help with for his.

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:31:44 UTC from web
    7. @thatonehuman yeah, he's a nice guy, but he's a total worrier and extremely paranoid. Think Dale Gribble minus the cigarettes.

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:32:16 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    8. @thatonehuman what?! That's why he wasn't here? What was the # about?

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:33:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @derps from what I've seen, he believed KnowYourMeme's involvement in the September con would get Anonymous after us, and was trying to incite a boycott against the event. Nothing happened, naturally.

        Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:35:35 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @quetzalcoatl But at least he still comes back once in a while to plug his blog... which, as far as I know, no one reads.

          Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:36:51 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @colfax eh

            Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:37:26 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        2. @quetzalcoatl ...

          Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:38:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @derps yeah, I know.

            Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:39:16 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    9. @rainbowflash That's probably the best option. I'd like to see everypony cool off a bit and some of them come back, but I don't think that's going to happen. Starshine is still pretty involved with the ohiobronies on our own site, so at least he's not completely gone from the community.

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:35:54 UTC from web
    10. @rainbowflash I caught him briefly about a week ago, and he was active on the ohiobronies blog trying to piece together a plan for the 22nd just the other day, so he's around somewhere. With college in full swing, his schedule might be packed at the moment.

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:40:33 UTC from web
    11. @rainbowflash Well, yea, but exams can make it extra so.

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:43:22 UTC from web
    12. @rainbowflash I wish I knew for sure. At the last meetup I was at he seemed to be doing fairly well, and he found time to make the one after that, so he's obviously not doing too bad, but on the other hoof he's never online, so I really don't know.

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:46:52 UTC from web
    13. @rainbowflash I'll trade you. Wherever you are has to be less dull.

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:48:23 UTC from web
    14. @rainbowflash Are you sure you're not here already? That sounds a lot like the part of Ohio I'm originally from.

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 04:52:18 UTC from web
    15. @rainbowflash I feel I may have reached that point of sleep deprivation/caffeine buzz where I think things are way funnier than everypony else... Not sure where you are, but if you ever do make it out to Ohio, we'd love to see you at one of the meetups. I've made two of them, and they were both a blast.

      Sunday, 09-Oct-11 05:14:59 UTC from web