

  1. !torontobronies So the meet-up will be on Sunday at Square One in Mississauga. It will start at 2:00pm, but I'll be there about an hour early because my friend wants to do some shopping for non-pony things first. We will meet just outside the food court where at elevator is, and will wait for everypony to show up between 2-3. So don't worry, you will have time to show up. Around 3, we will proceed to Zellers and -although it isn't the best toy section in the world, and will hopefully have all it's lights on this time- buy Ponies items! Yay~! Then I was planning on when we're done, or around 4, we could go to the Panera just outside of Square One and relax for an hour or so. Sound good? Hopefully everypony can make it! :3

    Friday, 14-Oct-11 14:55:12 UTC from web
    1. @herbalgreen Are the Toronto Bronies planning anything for Anime North 2012? The con is the only thing I go to in Toronto regularly <.<

      Friday, 14-Oct-11 16:14:41 UTC from web