

  1. This public timeline is so boring without little ol me.

    Saturday, 15-Oct-11 02:29:57 UTC from StatusNet Android
    1. @carcino fact is, I make this place all the better. Tolerable.

      Saturday, 15-Oct-11 02:31:51 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @carcino so true, btw, can you please explain to me where Karkat originated from?

        Saturday, 15-Oct-11 02:35:21 UTC from web
        1. @macpony55 the mother grub, you're a dirty boy aren't you?

          Saturday, 15-Oct-11 02:38:05 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @carcino no actually

            Saturday, 15-Oct-11 02:40:31 UTC from web
            1. @macpony55 then why would you want to know that, you sick grapes?

              Saturday, 15-Oct-11 02:42:09 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @carcino something must have come over me

                Saturday, 15-Oct-11 02:46:57 UTC from web
                1. @macpony55 well keep your nook sniffing thoughts to yourself

                  Saturday, 15-Oct-11 02:47:36 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @carcino Alright, but before I do, where might I find our more about Karkat?

                    Saturday, 15-Oct-11 03:01:08 UTC from web
                    1. @macpony55 by asking me.

                      Saturday, 15-Oct-11 03:43:10 UTC from StatusNet Android
                      1. @carcino I figured, thus the reason I came to you first, I just need to be more careful about my wording I guess

                        Saturday, 15-Oct-11 03:44:48 UTC from web
                        1. @macpony55 what do you want.

                          Saturday, 15-Oct-11 03:48:00 UTC from StatusNet Android
                          1. @carcino Well as my original question was about, how was he created, like who created his character?

                            Saturday, 15-Oct-11 03:52:15 UTC from web
                            1. @macpony55 Andrew Hussie

                              Saturday, 15-Oct-11 03:54:30 UTC from StatusNet Android
                              1. @carcino ok, now I see what it is

                                Saturday, 15-Oct-11 03:59:14 UTC from web
                                1. @macpony55 what's that?

                                  Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:00:27 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                  1. @carcino I just found a wiki page on him and it had a link to Karkat, now I understand the characters a little better

                                    Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:03:11 UTC from web
                                    1. @macpony55 why are you interested

                                      Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:04:13 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                      1. @carcino I'm not really sure, i guess it's just that it seemed like a well developed character based on how you were using it and I had never heard of him before so I was curious

                                        Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:05:34 UTC from web
                                        1. @macpony55 I am very well developed.

                                          Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:06:21 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                          1. @carcino I can tell, I was doing a little lurking earlier

                                            Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:07:23 UTC from web
                                            1. @macpony55 and what did you learn?

                                              Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:08:02 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                              1. @carcino Well from the particular conversation I was on, I saw that you used to be a conversationalists on here but then you changed when all the newbies pushed out the oldies and thus you learned which methods of dashing and commenting are the most efficient

                                                Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:11:38 UTC from web
                                                1. @macpony55 Just curious, what exactly defines these two groups again?

                                                  Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:12:59 UTC from web
                                                  1. @eaglehooves idk, I think it was around the beginning of RDN that this particular event happened, Carcino would be able to tell you best

                                                    Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:14:20 UTC from web
                                                    1. @macpony55 I've been here since July, and whenever the new vs old comes up I feel awkward. I didn't try to push anyone out, and RDN welcomed me back when I arrived. Seems somewhere after that point the ponies who had been here since the start took issue with some of the really new ones, and I have no idea which side I fall on. I usually just go to lurk mode till it blows over.

                                                      Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:19:34 UTC from web
                                                      1. @eaglehooves I joined in september so I know I classify as one of the newer ones, and it was right after I joined that things got kinda ugly on here with starshine and cabal and all that, I really wasn't sure what to think because yes I was new but I also wasn't doing anything to contradict or go against the older members

                                                        Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:23:31 UTC from web
                                                        1. @macpony55 Yea... They all had a history and couldn't keep it out of public, and it escalated pretty bad. Glad you weathered that one. Lots of the new ponies I welcome are never seen again it seems.

                                                          Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:26:06 UTC from web
                                                          1. @eaglehooves I have noticed that as well

                                                            Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:27:44 UTC from web
                                                            1. @macpony55 I've met starshine at a meetup, and purpletinker isn't bad on her own, but they're both ponies of strong opinions at times.

                                                              Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:29:34 UTC from web
                                                              1. @eaglehooves the ones with strong opinions are usually really nice until they disagree about something

                                                                Saturday, 15-Oct-11 04:57:27 UTC from web
                                                      2. @eaglehooves There's an oldfoal vs newfoal war going on here? Where was I? o_0

                                                        Saturday, 15-Oct-11 05:41:00 UTC from web
                                                        1. @rpb3000 No, I think we were referencing one that already happened.

                                                          Saturday, 15-Oct-11 06:39:05 UTC from web