

  1. Anypony have any idea how a pony would play a saxophone? I suppose it would work at the tenor scale, but I have no clue how one would play an alto.

    Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 01:02:44 UTC from web
    1. @musicssound if a pony can hold a bow like Octavia I think they can play anything

      Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 01:04:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @allanah Well, it's not a question of holding anything, there is a neck strap involved. But as far as hitting all those tiny buttons? Nearly impossible. Would need to be a unicorn, pretty much, and that really throws off all my pony persona hopes. I mean, I like unicorns and magic, but I wanna fly.

        Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 01:07:16 UTC from web