

  1. !MidlandsBronies Recently I got in touch with my Brony-side. On the forum I saw this announcement of a meet-up at the 5th of November. Just wanted to say I'm interested. No idea how this forum works btw, still trying to figure out how this forum works... Anyway having a meet-up in 'my backyard' would be a great way to meet you all :-)

    Wednesday, 19-Oct-11 20:48:39 UTC from web
    1. @yorkiebrony It's just like Twitter. You just post statuses and people can reply to them with the @ sign.

      Wednesday, 19-Oct-11 20:49:56 UTC from web
      1. @1mudkip88 Ah, I see. That's why I didn't get it the first time. This pony does books, no twitter haha.

        Thursday, 20-Oct-11 00:26:41 UTC from web
        1. @yorkiebrony You'll get used to it. It's pretty simple.

          Thursday, 20-Oct-11 02:57:11 UTC from web
    2. @yorkiebrony Have you taken a peek at the survey yet? /pushy

      Wednesday, 19-Oct-11 20:52:29 UTC from web