

  1. Alright so some 18yo'ish guy just came over from Craigslist to buy something off me, spotted my pony action figures, asked me if I was a brony, i said yep! He said "Sweeeet." AWWW YEA! *Brohoof* His dad was with him too so it was also kind of awkward. :S

    Thursday, 20-Oct-11 07:24:57 UTC from web
    1. @deadmachine God, I wish I'd have a moment like that when I find out that a complete stranger is a brony. I had a close call with someone who I didn't know (another hopeful student at an open evening), then befriended and found out he was a cartoon-nut and a brony, all in the same evening.

      Thursday, 20-Oct-11 07:29:44 UTC from web
      1. @redback thats pretty cool. I'd be tempted to txt that kid and see about chillin but.. actually hes like 8 years younger so iunno. im still hoping to make some new local brony friends. Right now I jus got my long-time friend who got me into all this to begin with.

        Thursday, 20-Oct-11 07:34:13 UTC from web
        1. @deadmachine Yeah, I've gotten to know a few other bronies IRL, including my current roomate at the hotel. I introduced him and he latched onto it like a limpet. I also have a girl on this trip who has very good pegasister potential. She's intrigued by the first episode, but she's been too busy to watch the rest. I'll get her on the airplane tomorrow >D

          Thursday, 20-Oct-11 07:37:40 UTC from web