

  1. Why does trixie have so many fans? She's a total hack! The greatest and most powerfullest pony in Equestria is pinkie pie, with gravity defying and physics breaking powers of awesomeness!

    Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:00:49 UTC from web
    1. @bannhammer I'm a fan of her horn-to-the wall arrogance. I love a good hammy, condescending antagonist. She's the Gary Oak of unicorns.

      Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:03:48 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @ceruleanspark So whenever you beat her, Professor Oak will come into the room saying? "I came as soon as I heard!"

        Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:07:11 UTC from web
        1. @paulmccoltney Yeah him and his grandkid have kind of weird relationship

          Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:07:44 UTC from TTYtter
          1. @ceruleanspark "Hey there kid I never met before! What's yours and my grandson's name?"

            Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:08:43 UTC from web
            1. @paulmccoltney Hey! You and my grandson! Come into my house and look at my balls!

              Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:09:45 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @ceruleanspark Don't EVER use your bike inside, EVER! I'll know...

                Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:11:07 UTC from web
            2. @paulmccoltney I'm the most famous pokemon scientist who knows more about them than anyone else. So here's my digital beastiary that doesn't have ANY of the information I've gathered over the years.

              Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:10:33 UTC from web
              1. @fallinwinter Congratulations on catching all 151 Pokemon! It figures in that time, 500 more were discovered.

                Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:13:36 UTC from web
                1. @paulmccoltney In Oak's defense, he sent me out with that Pokedex 10 years ago and I still haven't brought it back to him yet.

                  Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:14:36 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  1. @ceruleanspark Ditto here. Not a literal ditto know what I mean. xD

                    Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:15:02 UTC from web
                    1. @jinny IRL I'd have broken my pokedex inside about a week trying to jailbreak the thing.

                      Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:15:49 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                      1. @ceruleanspark Haha, that's lovely. xD Mine would likely be under a protective case touted as some future investment collector's item.

                        Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:16:44 UTC from web
                        1. @jinny Given that my number one reason to Jailbreak my old iPod touch was to play pokemon on it, my number one reason to jailbreak a pokedex would probably be to use it as an Mp3 Player.

                          Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:18:41 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                          1. @ceruleanspark Haha I can see this. My son got a hold of my iPod Touch this morning. It must be like an iPad comparatively for a baby I was thinking. He managed to figure it out pretty quickly at one years old. Even got some Rush playing on it. Haha. Like any responsible parent I was sure to load up Duke Nukem 3D for him. xD

                            Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:22:09 UTC from web
                            1. @jinny Well, if he's that small it certainly isn't going to do him any harm.

                              Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:23:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                              1. @ceruleanspark Yes, I didn't think so either. ^^

                                Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:23:53 UTC from web
                              2. @ceruleanspark Yeah, look how well all those 10 year olds turned out when we gave them all fighting monsters.

                                Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:23:56 UTC from web
                2. @paulmccoltney I can't believe this kid snuck into our mafia gang's secret hideout and beat half our thugs! We finally caught him and he fainted. What are we going to do? Take him to the closest Pokemon Center. And just because we're soooo evil, we're going to take HALF his money. Oh, we bad.

                  Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:18:18 UTC from web
                  1. @fallinwinter I assumed the money thing was some kind of proportionate healthcare fee.

                    Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:20:29 UTC from TTYtter
    2. @bannhammer I enjoy her over the top arrogance when it involves other ponies and their reactions. I also do like some of her fanon personalities as well.

      Thursday, 20-Oct-11 12:05:21 UTC from web