

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @lyokotravels Spam gone.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 05:45:15 UTC from web
      1. @drewdle yay

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 05:45:53 UTC from web
    2. @lyokotravels @purplephish20 Just for the sake of cleanliness I'm gonna delete the posts you guys just made that reference the spammer's account (cause it's deleted now).

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 05:47:10 UTC from web
      1. @drewdle Kill him with the rainbow nuke

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 05:48:37 UTC from web
    3. @abigpony Eeeyup.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 05:51:29 UTC from web
      1. @drewdle O.o Stealth mod... (Or I'm a forgetful pony)

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 05:52:37 UTC from web
    4. @abigpony I just don't do much in the way of modding because I was a mod back when Cabal ran things and since then the rules have become more lax so I pretty much let things go. But now the seret is out, if you bronies need anything, yeah.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 05:52:45 UTC from web
    5. @abigpony I was wondering about that. A revised set of rules wouldn't be hanging around anywhere would they?

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 05:57:09 UTC from web
    6. @abigpony Me and Scribus tried to do this once. The vast majority of people did not give any mangoess and at least one moderator said they wouldn't enforce it.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:04:00 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark Think I remember that. Shame it fell through.

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:05:09 UTC from web
        1. @eaglehooves Well, when you've got moderators telling you "I won't enforce the rules because they'll make me unpopular", it was pretty much destined to do so.

          Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:09:34 UTC from web
    7. @abigpony Yeah, the last time I was on regularly was when Cabal left the site, and that's when some stuff changed and I caught some hell for trying to enforce old rules, which is why I've stayed quiet about it. :)

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:06:42 UTC from web
    8. @abigpony Nothing on this website has been truly vulgar or worth deleting. The only problems that really exist are the excessive amounts of stupid bananas that has no purpose.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:09:50 UTC from web
    9. @abigpony Well, @redenchilada tried yesterday and got a load of ranting from the userbase. @mrdragon is normally pretty hot on "Actual enforcement", and @haganbmj is normally pretty quick on the draw when he's around, but what the hay are the rest of the mod staff actually doing?

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:11:10 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark What 'rest of the mod staff'?

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:11:54 UTC from web
        1. @haganbmj Kind of my point. I think there's dozens of you, but half of them don't actually visit the site.

          Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:14:24 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark Yeah, I think there might be about that many. So many people have left this website though from the old days when people were actually getting appointed moderators.

            Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:15:21 UTC from web
      2. @ceruleanspark I would say, but that wouldn't be very nice.

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:13:27 UTC from web
    10. @abigpony Wait, it's not?

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:14:13 UTC from web
    11. @abigpony Same, I don't use language the vast majority of the time just as a matter of not having any real reason to. I think most people do use language because they're either in the habit, or think it makes them look 'cooler'.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:14:53 UTC from web
    12. @abigpony Yeah, old times.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:14:58 UTC from web
    13. @abigpony I don't think it's really been an issue recently. Policies tend to loosen if you can prove that you don't need constant supervision.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:17:46 UTC from web
    14. @abigpony Haha, forced habit-breaking (or however you'd phrase that). I like it. ~ I just feel like when you're typing... you should be perfectly aware of every character you're writing. It shouldn't be a problem then to hold yourself back from language as you'd have to be consciously typing the word. (the thought process behind sentence composition is different of course)

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:18:25 UTC from web
    15. @abigpony I'm sure it was different, but things change. Enjoy it for what it is, rather than get hung up on it.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:19:04 UTC from web
    16. @abigpony Who? The RP is an issue with zach and fluttershy, but I can't think of who I'd complain anout for language.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:20:14 UTC from web
    17. @abigpony We could fix the RP thing by just banning about 3 people. When they're away for whatever reason, the quality of the timeline spikes dramatically. I think the question needs to be asked: Which is more important: Quality posting, or having as many people on-site as possible?

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:20:32 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark Be careful there. You're getting into an alley you don't necessarily want to be going down.

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:21:24 UTC from web
        1. @seanthesheep I don't want to go too far down that alley either, but it's nothing but '!hugs' back and forth, constant RP, and no regard for the rest of public.

          Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:24:05 UTC from web
          1. @eaglehooves Maybe, but be it's very fiddly when you look at who falls on either side of the line.

            Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:27:40 UTC from web
            1. @seanthesheep Yea... It's hard to draw the line between being silly and being a nuance.

              Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:33:01 UTC from web
        2. @seanthesheep @eaglehooves I'm very much in favour of giving these people (Person, really, one of them has made a noticable effort to clean up his act) prior warning and chances. I'm not suggesting we just turn them over to the mob and let them decide their fate. I'm saying that if they're persistantly doing something everyone hates, and continue to do it after the authorities have asked them to stop, the somepony needs to have the balls to apply sanctions.

          Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:28:21 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark I wouldn't toss them to the herd, but one of them has been reminded several times I believe. Then again, I'm not exactly in the best mental state at the moment to decide these kind of things. I should sleep.

            Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:31:09 UTC from web
          2. @ceruleanspark Hrm. Maybe, but I think there needs to be one more warning so they can't say they weren't given a fair chance. One forum I used to frequent used the idea of probations, where if people think you're a mangoesnozzle, then the mods check over what you say for a couple of days and see if you're worth keeping around. It might be quite a bit of work, but that might be an idea.

            Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:31:53 UTC from web
            1. @seanthesheep I'm a proponent of "Three expiring strikes". Certain offenses would endure on your record longer than others, but once you hit 3, you're out, but, if you keep your nose clean after you've hit two, you're forgiven and you don't have to walk the knife-edge anymore.

              Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:36:50 UTC from web
      2. @ceruleanspark Would 2 of these members happen to have the numbers 1 and 2 in both of their names?

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:21:33 UTC from web
        1. @haganbmj Eeyup.

          Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:22:14 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark Damn I'm good at this guessing game.

            Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:22:55 UTC from web
          2. @ceruleanspark And actually, those two (especially when together) are the main reason I avoid this site during the day. I think I actually will get to work on a way to hide their posts on the timeline -.-

            Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:23:44 UTC from web
      3. @ceruleanspark @eaglehooves Well, if there's enough consensus, people can be silenced, or kicked. I just need consensus to back me up before doing something like that. I have noticed the amount of RP has gone up a lot since I was last here.

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:23:20 UTC from web
        1. @drewdle I like when there's a little, brief RP (somepony made a dramatic entrance through the ceiling, we made a few 'RDN has a skylight' jokes, then went back to normal), but the ongoing thing and posts with nothing but a tag aren't too popular.

          Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:27:28 UTC from web
          1. @eaglehooves WHEN DID WE GET A SKYLIGHT!?

            Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:27:49 UTC from web
    18. @abigpony Well, just thought I'd say it. Seems it's turned into one of those reminisce-about-how-much-better-it-was-before-my-era sessions.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:21:56 UTC from web
    19. @abigpony Haha, I don't even understand what I wrote. It's too late for that [or maybe I'm just more tired than usual].

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:22:15 UTC from web
    20. @abigpony @eaglehooves @ceruleanspark I don't tend to pay attention to language anymore. That was what I caught hell for months ago, sending reminders to people when apparently it wasn't on the books anymore. :)

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:24:21 UTC from web
      1. @drewdle I've wondered for a while now. Is the way I self censor sufficient? I normally just * out the vowels, but some sites have a rule that you need to eliminate all but the first and last letters, or the word in its entirety (Gamefaq's "Gris, Gr*s, G**s, ****" example springs to mind here.)

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:26:13 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark Yeah, that's fine. I don't actually think there's a rule against straight out cursing. Carcino does it all the time. Still, the effort is appreciated.

          Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:30:22 UTC from web
          1. @drewdle I do it out of concern for people who might be behind filters. My college ran a filtering proxy that scanned requested pages for instances of banned words and threw up access denied messages on the fly. If someone swore on a messageboard I was using I'd be blocked from accessing it until their message got bumped off the page.

            Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:31:58 UTC from web
            1. @ceruleanspark Oh, smart. I'd never considered that.

              Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:32:47 UTC from web
    21. @abigpony Oh, and I remember when language stopped being paid attention to. When PurpleTink took over she basically scolded a moderator or two for acting on it, saying that they were going to implement a word filter for those that wanted it and that language shouldn't be deleted or attended to then.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:26:39 UTC from web
    22. @abigpony Yeah, shame starshine left. He and Tink had some disagreements to say the least.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:33:12 UTC from web
    23. @abigpony I've looked at it. it's actually a remarkably complex project. I starting trying to plan out how I'd work it before deciding that there's basically no good way to implement it that doesn't massively overwork the server or slow down pageloads.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:33:24 UTC from web
    24. @abigpony Mhm - And makes it fairly obvious too xD ~ I miss chatting with the guy.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:36:50 UTC from web
    25. @abigpony I haven't been on skype in quite a while. I should probably hop back on and try and catch him sometime.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:39:21 UTC from web
      1. @haganbmj I leave my Skype running pretty often, and he's never on. Either that, or he keeps it set to appear offline all the time.

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:40:30 UTC from web
        1. @eaglehooves That's what I noticed initially after he left rdn. So I kinda stopped using skype because he, starlightbolt, and another personal friend of mine were the only ones I'd talk to anyways. Once they all stopped being on regularly I stopped opening the app.

          Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:41:51 UTC from web
          1. @haganbmj Mine's an odd mix of ponies and people from back home. I try to keep it vague enough to not let either group know the other.

            Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:45:20 UTC from web
            1. @eaglehooves Yeah, the majority of my personal friends and I don't skype - we use other mediums, so it's a dead program most of the time xD

              Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:47:23 UTC from web
    26. @abigpony Hah, perhaps I'll get lucky and he'll pop me a message at some point. I'll sit online now and again.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:40:55 UTC from web
    27. @abigpony The script needs to run on the server, otherwise people could (and would) beat it by using a client or disabling the script browser side. The biggest issues basically stem from the idea that users need to be able to opt out. If it was on for all users all the time, you could just regex each submitted dash against a banned words list and commit the censored version to the DB. Because Tink wants a togglable one, it means you've got to regex every single dash against the word list for every pageload by every user who's opted into the filter.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:41:29 UTC from web
    28. @abigpony Long story short: it's a waste of computing resources because the task could actually be completed easily enough by having a written and actively enforced rule against swearing on the site. After a while, the social expectation that you don't swear would kick in and the amount of moderation required would drop to near 0 anyway.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:46:30 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark I don't mind that. Just need a list.

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:49:20 UTC from web
    29. @abigpony Blah - oh well, perhaps one day I'll speak with Starshine again.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:47:43 UTC from web
      1. @haganbmj He's actually going to the ohiobronies meetup this weekend, I believe. They're going to be pretty close to here, but I'm leaving the morning of to go home. Aaagh.

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:49:30 UTC from web
        1. @eaglehooves Gahh - Ohio's a bit far unfortunately. :(

          Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:50:22 UTC from web
          1. @haganbmj You can try the blog, I think he still checks that pretty often. I seriously wish I could drive out to the meetup and remind him RDN misses him.

            Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:51:49 UTC from web
            1. @eaglehooves Blog for the ohio meetup? I'll have to search around for that. Thanks!

              Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:52:53 UTC from web
              1. @haganbmj There's a link on our RDN page... It's not really hidden.

                Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:53:40 UTC from web
            2. @eaglehooves I have seen him almost every weekend and told him as such >_> He doesn't listen very well :p

              Friday, 21-Oct-11 08:38:02 UTC from web
              1. @rpb3000 @knoxemerald @ceruleanspark 4 are left....OMG! Where are the zombies?

                Friday, 21-Oct-11 08:40:32 UTC from web
                1. @fluttershy321 wat

                  Friday, 21-Oct-11 08:41:36 UTC from web
                  1. @rpb3000 Only 4 are left on RDN

                    Friday, 21-Oct-11 08:43:17 UTC from web
                    1. @fluttershy321 You mentioned zombies... I was about to go prepare for battle... :p

                      Friday, 21-Oct-11 08:45:05 UTC from web
                      1. @rpb3000 *A tongue comes out of nowhere*

                        Friday, 21-Oct-11 08:46:38 UTC from web
                        1. @fluttershy321 *bats it out of the way* this is not left4dead! >_>

                          Friday, 21-Oct-11 08:50:47 UTC from web
                          1. @rpb3000 Says who? I'LL COVER YOU IN BOOMER ESSENCE!!!

                            Friday, 21-Oct-11 08:53:10 UTC from web
                            1. @fluttershy321 blechk!

                              Friday, 21-Oct-11 09:00:12 UTC from web
                              1. @rpb3000 ...I'll call the hunters! I'll throw spitter goo at you!! I'll become a charger!!! I'll get a tank!!!!

                                Friday, 21-Oct-11 09:03:15 UTC from web
                                1. @fluttershy321 but... ahm a witch.

                                  Friday, 21-Oct-11 09:16:48 UTC from web
                                  1. @rpb3000 OH GOG! SUMMON THE TANK!!

                                    Friday, 21-Oct-11 09:19:28 UTC from web
                                    1. @fluttershy321 *evil grin*

                                      Friday, 21-Oct-11 09:20:42 UTC from web
                                      1. @rpb3000 *Turns into a tank* BRinG iT!!

                                        Friday, 21-Oct-11 09:23:04 UTC from web
                                        1. @fluttershy321 *noms sugar and falls to sleep* srsly, g'night ^_~

                                          Friday, 21-Oct-11 09:45:13 UTC from web
                    2. @fluttershy321 Can I be Louis?

                      Friday, 21-Oct-11 08:46:02 UTC from web
                      1. @knoxemerald I'm zoey!

                        Friday, 21-Oct-11 08:46:48 UTC from web
    30. @abigpony Well, to be fair, lots of people got thumped for swearing in the old days. You just didn't see the posts because they'd "disappear". :)

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:50:39 UTC from web
    31. @abigpony Except for the fact that one of the people who swears most prominently on the site IS one of the old users.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:51:08 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark Yep. Carcino. But that's Carcino and he's been like that since day one. And even he doesn't curse in every status or anything. He just doesn't censor himself. *shrug*

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:57:13 UTC from web
    32. @abigpony Haha, perhaps :P ~ Anyways though, I think I'll head off and catch some sleep. Have a good evening man.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:51:41 UTC from web
    33. @abigpony I generally asked, but I also nixed the post (cause otherwise, technically, there was cursing in the timeline). But I get what you're after.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:55:16 UTC from web
    34. @abigpony "It's cool when me and the people I like do it but everyone not in my exclusive club needs to knock it off 'cause it's inconsiderate"

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:57:16 UTC from web
    35. @abigpony @ceruleanspark I don't really think it's worth arguing about though. When there's a rule in place I'll wield it, til then I just like hanging out here.

      Friday, 21-Oct-11 06:59:27 UTC from web
      1. @drewdle That's cool. Talking to starshine, part of the issue was he felt burned out trying to make everypony happy, and we don't want a repeat of that.

        Friday, 21-Oct-11 07:01:05 UTC from web
        1. @eaglehooves Yeah, I talked to him on Skype about it a while back.

          Friday, 21-Oct-11 07:06:39 UTC from web
          1. @drewdle It's been radio silence between us for about a month, I'm not really sure what he's up to. Then again, I've hardly had enough time to figure out what it is I'm up to. :P

            Friday, 21-Oct-11 07:08:38 UTC from web