@tigerdusk how's it going? enjoyed episode 4?
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 03:05:41 UTC from web-
@redtie lol yeah it was awesome. Been ok, just been sleepy most of the day. How about you? did you see the most recent version of your pic?
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 03:11:56 UTC from web-
@tigerdusk no i haven't seen it. Today i trolled the church of scientology Tequila passed by in a wonderbolts shirt and i gave him a brohoof, but didn't stay and chat. Episode 4 rocked, and i know its not the case but i cant help thinking Zecora calling Pipsquek "littlepip" was a fallout Equestria reference.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 03:14:54 UTC from web-
@redtie lol I didn't consider that but yeah that might be a clever throw in.. >.> we have to becareful though man, can't talk about new episodes freely till after tommorow. Aww dude lol already haveing mini meet ups before the meet up? xD Does Tequila live near ya?
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 03:17:21 UTC from web-
@tigerdusk Tequila practises fencing at the sword academy right across from the church of scientology that i protest at (small world right?). I just mentioned it was happening and he showed up, but we didn't hang out.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 03:20:49 UTC from web-
@redtie Oh dude o.o that's pretty cool. lol Small world indeed. It's so hard waiting for the meet up xD so anxious and a little nervous at the same time : P. How did the protest go?
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 03:24:43 UTC from web-
@tigerdusk they had there Psychiatry: Industry of Death, travelling exposition happening right there. (Scilons are big against psychiatry) and we crashed it. They dont want to admit that the CCHR (the group that runs this expo) is funded and owned by the church, and when civilians hear that they flee. They probably only had 5 people go into that expo while we where protesting.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 03:28:20 UTC from web-
@redtie lol must have been loud, and yeah civilians do get spooked pretty easily : P.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 03:32:28 UTC from web-
@tigerdusk but there is also alot to laugh about in the expo (one of us, an older dude) pretended to be an average joe and went in to check it out, got a bunch of fliers and stuff) they say that psychiatrists did the holocaust. laughable. unbelievable.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 03:36:47 UTC from web-
@redtie lol wtf? xD I think they need psychiatrist themselves. Oh hang on man I'll be back a bit later, my bro wants the comp.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 03:39:22 UTC from web
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 04:01:12 UTC from web
@tequilasunrise oh we took a wrecking ball to them. They were so very applesed. One of our best raids in purhaps a year and a half.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 04:06:38 UTC from web-
@redtie Sweet. Seeing their little "protest march" and the street banners made my blood boil. I'm glad they're getting screwed.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 04:10:27 UTC from web
@tequilasunrise @redtie i wasn't there but it sounds pretty intense xD.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 05:20:28 UTC from web-
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 05:21:57 UTC from web
@tequilasunrise @redtie now i really wish i could have been there D: Dudes we are so gonna have to the group circle bro hoof at this meet up.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 05:23:21 UTC from web -
@tequilasunrise i bet you had no idea, that the one most decked out as an anon was a brony. I know you must have seem me tons before this.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 05:23:53 UTC from web-
@redtie That did surprise me! And yeah, I'm pretty sure I have.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 05:34:59 UTC from web-
@tequilasunrise sorry you didn't actually "see me" but that'll change eventually.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 05:36:13 UTC from web-
@redtie No worries. Understandable under the circumstances.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 06:00:57 UTC from web
@redtie @tigerdusk Yeah, I would've stayed a little longer but a) I was rushing off to meet K somewhere and b) I would've felt uncomfortable hanging around for too long without a mask or anything (damned creepy Scilons).
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 04:00:11 UTC from web-
@tequilasunrise oh they dont bug you if your not an Anon, but i understand and do not hold it against you. That place even gives me the willies sometimes.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 04:06:02 UTC from web-
@redtie If you wanna hang out sometime somewhere else, I'm certainly down.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 04:11:40 UTC from web-
@tequilasunrise iam always down for drinks if you are.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 04:15:46 UTC from web-
@redtie Sounds cool. During the week I get off work around 5-5:30 (I work downtown near Granville and Pender); weekends I'm usually more or less free. The only regular thing I have then is fencing from 12-2 on Saturdays. I'll DM you my number.
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 04:21:06 UTC from web